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August 02, 2005



I think evolution should be taught. I'm not entirely sure of what I truly believe, but I don't think that we should dismiss other "schools of thought" on the subject, or any for that matter, even if someone's religious points of view differ. That's the problem with the religious right. They are afraid to be shown anything that objects or contradicts their beliefs....ugh..they're very annoying...


Yeah, but was Altarboyz any good?

The Malcontent

Very funny; front row seats! We were constantly dodging Boy sweat. (In "Matthew's" case, that was not a bad thing.)

V the K

If we're going to throw stuff out of the classroom that doesn't have a sound scientific basis but just suits one interest group's ideological agenda, how about getting rid of all that global warming stuff?

The Malcontent

Ah, but creationism is a fairy tale that doesn't gibe with the union-enviro-Democrat complex.

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