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September 19, 2005



Bonjour ! Of course you can find in Marrakech local computers with American keyboards ('Hamdoulillah !) just off Bab Angnaou pedestrian precinct (8Dh/hour) ... Bon courage !


I know what a fagnet is with out the explanation! LOL I love fagnets!!!! And yes, being one of Kathy's gays would be soooo fun! Oh, sorry for not commenting lately, I've been preoccupied...but I'm back...Sounds like you're travelling again..Have fun! I wish I could travel as much as you!

The Malcontent

8 dirham??? I'm paying 30 for just half-an-hour in this hotel! Or my boss is.

Hi, Roy. Missed ya, babe!


LOL, you crack me up.

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