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September 13, 2005



I would argue that this is something that the Secretary of State should post in an online database for all initiatives!


I think it's fabulous that they plan on putting the names on the internet! If they are ashamed to support taking away marriage for gays, then they should not sign the petition!

North Dallas Thirty

When do they intend to publish the names and home addresses of themselves and their volunteers so that people may make the decision whether to boycott THEM or not?

What I find amusing is that these same kind of activists get into a snit about the AFA and others advocating boycotts of Disney and Ford, but are quick to push exactly the same thing when they believe it will favor them.


I agree that it is totally fair for them to post the contact info. When legislators push for a constitutional amendment, the record of their support is known to the public. Massachusetts felt that it was important for the public to know what citizens support such efforts through use of the initiative process, and thus decided to make it public record. That a website enables people to better access a public record, in the name of civil discourse, is entirely appropriate.

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