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September 07, 2005



WOW..that is troubling!


I believe that most of the hype and scare mongering comes from the media. Siegal did discuss that briefly during this interview, but it seemed he wanted to blame it on the government, rather then the Media - which is where we get our info from. They report something, and then you rarely hear a follow up - the national media is just as bad as the local media - "What Might Kill You Next...More at 11."

The Malcontent

"If it bleeds, it leads," as I heard all too often in J school.


hey....what do you think about the poem on my site today? would love to hear what you think about it....

The Malcontent

As you might imagine, I didn't find much on which to agree with you politically, but I like the way you express yourself. (Is that tactful enough??) :-)

On another subject, congrats on your 50,000th hit! I will probably have my 50,000th unique visit within the next week, and I'm thinking about offering a prize.

Hear that, everybody?!


Yeah, I figured that you wouldn't agree with it :) Well, that's awesome that you are getting soooo many hits! You've got friends in high places!

The Malcontent

And BTW, I voted for you, Mr. Xanga. ;-)


Awwwww..thanks!!! Every vote counts!


I CAN'T BELIEVE YOUR ARROGANCE! You haven't even read the book (by your own admission), but you're already offering a critique?! And when were 5000 people killed by al Qaeda? You need to do a re-count. But then, I know how you Republican/Conservative folk are with those re-counts. Idiot.

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