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November 29, 2005


criminal record

great blog. lots information


I did not see the show, but I watched your clip. This is just another reason for the "straight " world to look down one the gay community. They dont feel sorry for him or want to help him.
He just paints a ugly picture and tells the world what he did and the assume we all are like that and do things like that.
How are we ever going to get the respect we deserve and want when we have stupid,carelss men like this not using there brain.
I agree he had or has a problem and needed help but it does no good to go public, nationally to tell every one about his tricks and bath house stories and what only a certain percentage of gay men do.. It just angers me because people stereotype ALOT, and will think thaat because I am a gay male,that I do all the gross and ignorant things he did..


A very low sweeps ploy by Oprah's producers. Only showed one side, the seedy side. The guy is really fucked up. You can ask guys who visit bathhouses and get a lot of differing commentary.
hell, I saw Quentin Quisp, the old, old queen perform his standup at a bathhouse a year before his death. The bathhouse can be cultural as well.


I'm not making a sweeping indictment of bathhouses, I'm making a sweeping indictment of meth. It just so happens that bathhouses are crawling with drug-addled, reckless behavior.

rod townsend

"It just so happens that bathhouses are crawling with drug-addled, reckless behavior."

Um, so is Saks Fifth Avenue.

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