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November 21, 2005



Guess you don't want to see a copy of the new DVD out from these folks.

Yum Yum

Far from laughing, the people in my dorm were dead silent when we watched that episode. (Watching Family Guy is a Sunday night tradition.)


Mr. Herbert has always been bit unsettling to me as well. (Actually, I just learned that he had a name.) Last night was kind of over the top. From time to time, the FG crew seems to flog a dead horse to the point of sadism. However, Chris always seems to know just how to handle the situation, so maybe they feel they are addressing this issue responsibly.


I was channel surfing when I saw this. I stopped and watched the whole thing in awe.

Did I like it? I don't know.

Did I hate it? I don't think so.

I was simply in awe.

Larry Bernard

My roomate and I believe it may have been the single most disturbing thing ever on Family Guy


Anyone that watches Seth Mcfairlane's the "Family Guy" (or oven "American Dad") should know that the show very rarely takes anything seriously. They take a taboo subject- pedophillia, slavery, rape, the brutality caused by military governments in Africa, you name it -and take it lightly with the intention of shocking it's audience. People in a dorm of all places should know that by now. They push the envelope on all sides, thats why it's revolutionary. And lets not forget about Glen Quagmire and his situation with "Meghan's Law."

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