It is now a year and a half into legalized gay marriage in Massachusetts, and last night "The Daily Show" took a hard-hitting look at how life in the Bay State has gone straight down the crapper.
Reporter Ed Helms hit the streets to investigate the anarchy and pandemonium that has ensued.
He found at least one anti-gay activist who is sounding the alarm:
BRIAN CAMENKER, anti-gay-marriage activist: I could sit here and I could probably, you know, find some way of connecting the dots to gay marriage to all of these (adverse effects) if I had enough time and I did some research.
HELMS: Yeah, why take time to do the research, when saying it is so much faster?
See the full story here:
[Watch video - 5:01, WMV format, high bandwidth]
[Watch video - 5:01, WMV format, low bandwidth]
I think we need to mass-produce those Homometers.
I can see the ad campaign now...."Are you sure you trust your gaydar? Now there's a scientifically-proven way to determine whether he's just scratching his ass or inviting you in for a visit!"
Posted by: North Dallas Thirty | November 04, 2005 at 05:25 PM
omg..that is too funny!
Posted by: Roy | November 04, 2005 at 05:54 PM
I think you meant to describe that guy as an "anti" gay activist?
Posted by: Joe.My.God. | November 04, 2005 at 06:06 PM
You're right -- got it next to his name, but missed it in the preceding graf. Fixed now ...
Posted by: The Malcontent | November 04, 2005 at 06:49 PM
OMG. I missed that episode. So glad you posted it here so I could pee my pants laughing on my desk chair rather than on the couch.
Posted by: Michelle | November 04, 2005 at 10:34 PM
Ha, too funny - thanks for posting that!
Posted by: Sean | November 05, 2005 at 11:41 PM
Geez, I peed my pants laughing on my desk chair too! So glad they pay someone around here to clean it up!
Posted by: Mike | November 07, 2005 at 06:49 PM
Excellent!!!! We needed this. Thank you.
Tom Lang
Aaron Toleos
Posted by: Tom Lang | November 10, 2005 at 08:46 AM
The 'serious' man being interviewed was living PROOF that the anti-gay people are just completely full of s--t. 'If I did a little research' = 'as soon as a fundamnetalist church gins up some BS that LOOKS scientific'.
Make no mistake kids, once they've made same-sex ANYTHING illegal, they'll move on to the next bullet point. 'Public displays of affection' = month in jail, 'inappropriate' clothing = child banned from school permanently, etc, insert passage from Leviticus here.
Worked for the Puritans.
So appropriate on Thanksgiving to remember WHY they came to America in the first place - THEY WERE THROWN OUT OF ENGLAND FOR SEDITION. And now their twisted views of human sexuality have risen again. They'll incite a Civil War if they possibly can. They must be fought resolutely.
Posted by: M. Douglas Wray | November 24, 2005 at 02:19 AM
You fags are FUNNY!!!
Stop taking yourself so seriously... I mean, why all the fuss about tearing up your ass? Aren't there hemorroid, and incontenence issues later on?
Personally, I think you're all mental. Love another man? Sure, OK. Screwing another man? That's just wrong. It's a morality issue... but, by your nature, I guess that either "doesn't matter," or "doesn't apply."
Posted by: Straightguy | January 05, 2006 at 12:09 AM