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December 07, 2005



Bravo, Robbie, I knew you had it in you. :-)

And for once, sitting over here in Delhi, I am glad MalcoVision has a low-bandwidth alternative!


LOL, yeah, well I now fully appreciate what you go through to put together these video clips.

It took me forever. Five hours. Eesh. I still don't think it's too bad, given I've never used a video editor in my life. =)


Thanks for hosting this great clip... well worth the wait.



So what I find interesting about that is how desperate every one is to define it as "not gay." It clearly is — it is a movie about two men falling in love with each other. The squealing girl reactions of many homos to Jake and Heath kissing (and I'm in that group) should reinforce the "gay" image.

Why are all the actors afraid to say it? Each one seemingly had to deny the "gay" parts and focus on the love aspect of the story. That's great and all, and I like that there's at least an attempt, however ham-fistedly, to show that love is universal. But why the concerted effort to define it away? I can see three things at work, all of which give me pause.

1) None of the actors really believed in it, but because "gay" is trendy, they went ahead, thinking it was a good career move.

2) The crew felt that a "gay movie" wouldn't sell well, despite the presence of all popular young actors in unconventional roles.

3) The social identity of "gay" has very little to do with people falling in love with each other for life, and has a lot to do with circuit parties, tina, and anonymous sex.

I find #1 probably the least plausible, since it could never be anything more than a suspicion given the public statements of the cast. #2 is very likely, since obviously the social acceptance of gays is a huge (and hugely controversial) issue today.

But what worries me is #3, specifically because it's not plausible. When I have told people I'm gay, including my parents, they at first have not believed me, quite specifically because I don't work the circuit or have rampantly promiscuous sex. I don't fit the stereotype one associates with "gay," in other words. If the movie crew is worred that calling something "gay" will bring with it all the libertine cultural baggage of "gay culture" (thus negating a significant aspect of the impact it could have), then the status of gay rights is in much worse shape than I thought. If we are not associated—through our actions, associations, and causes—with universal humanity but rather parties, drugs and sex, then we are just shooting ourselves in the foot.

I guess it can be easy to ignore that if you live in a big city in a blue state. But it's certainly something the other 90% of America pays attention to, and it is a crucial aspect of our fight for acceptance and equality.

Ryan Harrell

OMFG Wow. *shows you the pile of tissues* Even though it was just a documentary wow. Anyways on to business. If you think about it all Hollywood is about is sales. While American culture constantly leans further and further towards accepting gays and gay rights we are, regrettably, not quite there as a society. Now if Director Ang Lee is concerting a downplaying of the "gay" in the film I think that would only help the gay rights movement. I mean consider that, without the downplaying of the "gay" in the film, roughly 70% (this is just for argument's sake it isn't actually a statistic) of viewers equate it with some gay stereotype or another and pass it off as a "Gay cowboy film". Now consider that with the downplaying of the "gay" in the film if even 2% of viewers equated this film with love and romance instead of gay stereotypes it is a positive thing to do. No Ang Lee may only be doing it for profit, however he is doing so much more. As far as the actors are concerned who can blame them for not wanting a gay label? Being gay isn't exactly a tea party if you haven't noticed. It's not easy in rural America and it must certainly be difficult when you're under a microscope 24/7 in Hollywood. I'm not saying either of the actors actually is or isn't gay, I'm simply saying it's not a label they would necessarily want to carry. As a side note, as gay people ourselves shouldn't we support any form of media that tries to equate homosexuality with love instead of all the stereotypical eqautions you listed? As "ham-fisted" as they may have been they were still attempts.In a civil rights battle you have to take each and every victory no matter how small it is and use it to bolster your cause. I guess that's all I have to say about that. Thanks and have a wonderful evening.



I loved the brief film here from LOGO, Just amazing, and as for "rebel" I think that it is a good idea that everything is focused on the awesome film not being classified as being "GAY" because is that the message you want to send to everyone that this film is gay and not a love story when it is a love story and if people can truly understand that then maybe all the bigots who extremely disregard films like this would get an eye opener and realize that being gay is no different than being straight. What I am saying that they may be able to get the concept, that "the love between a man and a women is the same love thats between and man and a man or women and a women. I hope you see where I am coming from I am trying in any means trying bash what you were saying b/c being gay myself I udnerstand what you are saying however I think that on the flip side the big picture needs to be seen so that maybe one day being gay will be an open idea rather than one that half of the people on this world would like kill all of them, get my drift.
N E Ways Awesome preview I loved it!!!!


Yeah, I know, and that makes sense... I just can't shake the feeling that it's somehow wrong. I mean, in interviews, Jake said his character wasn't gay, when he was clearly in love and sexing another guy. What does he mean by that? Yes, yes, love is universal, and we do need to make people realize that. I just cannot shake the feeling, is all.


It's a little weird that Jake is insisting Jack Twist isn't gay. If you read the original story, it's noted (or at least extremely implied) that Jack Twist was involved with other men when away from Ennis. Jack's fate in Texas seems to be tied into his being involved with numerous other men.

I can, however, see an argument for the Ennis character. Ennis is only ever in love with Jack - no one else, male or female. There is a better case for pure love without elements of gay or straight, but a connection of the soul.

I think the marketing is interesting. On the one hand, I think they're trying to break out of the gay niche. They don't want it to be a gay film, but to appeal to the broader general audience. Which is pure Hollywoodism.

However, with a movie this good, I can see them trying to cross the barrier of the gay/straight divide, to open the door to the idea that gay movies aren't only meant for gays. So, they're trying to say "Look, ignore the gay thing. It's simply a really, really good movie." They're articulating it a little strangely, but I do understand the point they're trying to get across.


just saw the movie and am in my brokeback obsession phase and really needed to see this, thanks.


So this is what I am thinking, I too read the book. I really don't think either character is gay. I believe Jake's other "encounters" were perhaps, if you don't mind analyzing the book, a "replacement" of who he is missing, which is Ennis. He keeps these encounters to himself because, like in some relationships we fear hurting the ones we love the most, so Jake only reveals this information out of a desperate need to want Ennis. Its obvious Jake wants Ennis to feel his pain, so Jake turns the encounters to his advantage to in fact, deliberately threaten Ennis...as if to say," Hey, if you don't stick with me, I am going to do whatever I want", knowing good and well this is turning Ennis inside out. Both are so quick to say that neither of them is gay,in the book I believe them. These are two people who just happened to fall in love. The story doesn't seem to hint Jake had any previous loves before Ennis, only after, so this is why I believe Jake and Ennis are not gay, if you have read the book, it reflects at some points to the past, and the author could have reflected on Jakes past loves if it was going to play a significant part in the story. In other words it doesn't really matter gay or not gay this is a story about true love.

Richard Gadue

At the risk of sounding academic, this film made real for me once more the words of Shakespeare in Romeo and Juliet:

"These violent delights have violent ends,
And in their triumph die like fire and powder,
Which as they kiss consume. The sweetest honey
Is loathsome in his own deliciousness,
And in the taste, confounds the appetite."

Tragic love..........

Dan (AKA GayPatriotWest)

Kissing while shirtless. . . . sounds appealling.

Dan (AKA GayPatriotWest)

oh . . . and, Robbie, the movie is not this good. Though Heath's performance as Ennis is one of the best of the year. I really believe he loved. I wish I could say the same for Jake Gyllenhallinhallhall.


OK Plebeians, Jake has NEVER said his character in Brokeback is not gay. He has said that the film should not be characterized as a gay comboy movie. It is a gay love story. Ang Lee, himself, has called it that. Jake's character is gay and the only reason he is not able to live an open and happy life with Ennis is because of society... Has the person above who left the comment that "it" seems wrong even seen the movie? It is the likes of him that would have forced two men like Jack and Ennis from living a happy and fulfilled life together.


Jake did say he approached his role as Jack Twist as a straight man who falls in love with another man.
He may not have said that Jack wasn't gay, but he did say His own approach to the character was not gay.


Maybe one of the reasons why there's so much debate about the word gay, as it applies to Brokeback Mountain, is because the resonance of what Jack and Ennis share is felt by more than just gay men. I think what non-gay people might be trying to say is, "We feel it too. We understand what's going on here. This is our story too." And maybe the only way some of them know how to say that for now, is by diminishing the possessive nature of the word gay when speaking about the film.

The word gay gets caught up in the push & pull of semantics, partly because it often implies a lifestyle - and clearly that lifestyle as we know it today doesn't apply to Brokeback Mountain's leading men and the context in which their story unfolds. No one is denying that there is love and sex going on between two men in this story. Tightly defined, it is a gay story. I think what's being said is that what Jack & Ennis share is so big and so universally understood that it can't be contained soley within the word gay. Gay yes, but not limited to just that.

I don't think it's an affront to our community to have people wanting to see this story as more than gay. Rather than diminishing us in any way I think it's gathering us in and helping people feel more at one with us. It says they're relating to and understanding and even accepting what they see up there on the screen. I think Brokeback Mountain is going to help people feel more connected to us and more willing or able to see us as part of them rather than so separated from them.

We have given the words gay and straight so much weight in our culture that they can sometimes feel like a ball & chain around our ankles. The profoundness and beauty of the love shared between Jack and Ennis isn't something unique to the gay experience. It's the kind of love that almost everyone can relate to and understand and be moved by. I think we do ourselves a big favor by allowing people to say it however they need to say it because in the end, what they're really saying is that they're not only OK with this gay love story but they're being touched by it and want to be included in its powerful sweep. That feels to me like a really wonderful place to finally be in - to be seen as the coveted main event rather than just the sideshow.


How do you buy the poster of the shirt? I saw it on sale on a .uk website but can't remember where.


Bravo! FINALLY a film on the big screen that unabashedly shows another side of being human!

Michael A

I thank you for this wonderful site. I now seen the film twice and have not "recovered" yet. I don't think, in a sense, I will - it has profoundly moved me in a way that no other movie ever has before. I'd loved the Annie Proulx story but seeing it brought so beautifully to life has just rocked me to the core. I think it is SO important that as many people as possible see "Brokeback" because I truly believe it will change the way people view gay issues. It really brings the humanity of these two lost souls to such a point where once you've met them, they will remain with you forever. Tell everyone you know: see this movie. But be prepared to have your heart pierced.


I really think this movie will be a good one. Not because it is about two gay men in love. I do not see why people are jerks about gay people. I am straight and I do not see a problem with gay people. I just think it is their business on who they want to be with. I really do think this movie will be a wonderful and emotional movie.


I am a gay man and love being gay; however, I have always been attracted to straight men. I would love to have a gay lover, but I can't seem to find a man that is gay that satisfies the sexual desire I have for straight guys. That is why I identify with this movie. People may not realize it, but guys can love other guys without actually being gay. I have been with women, but I want the tactile sensation of a man. I have seen the movie. Jack is gay, while Ennis is discovering his attraction to a man. Love doesn't necessarily fit the pigeon holes we want. I wish I could send Ang Lee a personal "thank-you" for his work. He has only an inkling of the effect this movie has had on men - gay or straight - and their relationships. I feel that your intention to portray this as a love story instead of a "gay film" was excellent. There are no rules when it comes to love. Mr. Lee has done a wonderful thing. He has made a movie that can't leave my thoughts.

Mark Rawson

I've seen "Brokeback Mountain" twice, but have been hungering for comments from the actors, the director, and producers about the making of the film, and how they felt during the making. Thank you very much, Malcontent (and Logo - which I do not receive) for this film clip.


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Love happens when two spirits, since the deepest beginning of universe have been made one for another. They invades shapes of many creatures or even thinks that quest to meet once in life. The movie showed us that it can happen sometimes and pain and sorrows will be always there. Love is an event that occurs very rarely that we should learn how to take advantage of it when it is in front of us...
Anyway, I am quiet straight and still looking for my truly love


This is really wonderful. Five weeks later, I still can't get over this film. The clips brought it all back again. I am boring my friends, gay and straight, silly with links to eBay items, pix of Heath, etc etc, but this intelligent bit of film deserves to be seen by everybody Especially those who haven't seen the film yet. Thx!


Glad I'm not the only person obsessed with this movie. I've even taken to exchanging semi-polite comments with Outraged of Oklahoma on Christian blogs. Anything to get a reaction. However, nothing beats the Catholic bishops at USCCB - "tacit approval of same-sex relationships, adultery, two short male sex scenes without nudity, two brief heterosexual encounters with upper female nudity, shadowy rear nudity, other implied sexual situations, profanity, rough and crude expressions, irreligious remarks, alcohol and brief drug use, fleeting violent images, a gruesome description of a murder, some fisticuffs, brief domestic violence."
Those bishops could teach those Hollywood marketing guys a thing or two. They made it sound so exciting I had to go back for a second look to see what I had obviously missed...

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