Camped out in a room filled with empty boxes, scattered styrofoam, wayward plastic, piles of computer components, and endless miles of cable flung carelessly across the floor, I set aside tonight to accomplish one thing and one thing only: transfer all my old files and complete the configuration of the new PC once and for all so I can clean up this mess.
Networking? No problem. Plug both comps into the cable modem router and an XP wizard creates the network. Sweet, lovely Microsoft. For all the times I have contemplated murdering your entire board of directors, you do have your moments that soften the edge of potential homocide to mere manslaughter.
File sharing?
No. Windows was having none of it. I attempted to use the new PC (nPC) to pull the old files and folders from the old PC (oPC). Various denied permissions and write protections flashed across the screen as, again and again, I clicked and tapped away in frustration. I set and reset the network, altered and re-altered the file sharing settings on oPC. My eyes grew bloodshot, my fingers increasingly arthritic.
I futzed and I futzed and I futzed. I futzed for five hours and six cups of coffee.
Then the "I wonder . . ." moment approached fearfully on the horizon. Perhaps, just perhaps, if I went on the oPC and had it send the files to nPC, it would work. Obviously nPC is utterly unable to access oPC and take anything from it.
I test this brilliant new insight.
Everything transferred instantly.
I trust, by Christmas, I'll have stopped screaming and screaming and screaming.