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December 12, 2005



I thought these "reality" programs hit the dust years ago. Worse, you spend inordinate time writing about this nonsense. I don't know what's worse.


Actually, I spent about twenty minutes writing about it. Which, granted, they were twenty minutes I could've spent perusing porn or reading a message board or tinkering with a client portfolio. But hey, I have hours of free time left in the evening. I like to partition most of it frivolously. What can I say, I'm easily preoccupied.

Don't be a cranky git. I'm sure certain hobbies you pursue for entertainment purposes would feel like a scalding poker up the ass to me.

Deep down, what we enjoy is usually a complete waste of time.

But that is the point.


I thought these "reality" programs hit the dust years ago. Worse, you spend inordinate time writing about this nonsense. I don't know what's worse.


I love that this is now the 17,053rd season of Survivor, and people still act distraught when it turns out a fellow tribe member lied to them.

There's no way in hell you could have never seen the show before, and let's face it.... It's not known for rewarding "good samaritanism".

North Dallas Thirty

There are lessons to be found in these shows, Stephen; one merely needs to know where to look.

The Dook

I still cannot believe they ate the chicken! What would you have done?

kansas dermatologist

You might be cursed badly. Never eat eat.

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