What else can be made of Mike Rogers' clumsy, pseudo Bond villain threat to a sitting U.S. Senator over Justice Alito's confirmation vote?
Mr. Senator:
Tomorrow you will be faced with a vote that may have the longest aftereffects of any other you have cast in your Senate career.
Tomorrow you will decide if your political position is worth more than doing what is right for others like you. For others like you, Mr. Senator, who engage in oral sex with other men. (Although, Mr. Senator, most of us don't do in the bathrooms of Union Station!) Your fake marriage, by the way, will NOT protect you from the truth being told on this blog.
How does this blog decide who to report on? It's simple. We report on hypocrites. In this case, hypocrites who vote against the gay and lesbian community while engaging in gay sex themselves*.
When you cast that vote, Mr. Senator, represent your own...it's the least you could do.
Michael Rogers
blogACTIVE.com*While votes on many matters are considered, votes "FOR" either the Alito nomination and the Federal Marriage Amendment are enough to qualify legislators for reporting on this site.
As noted by Mal and myself, Samuel Alito has a mixed record on gay rights. There is no substantial, objective basis for gay rights groups and others to charge Justice Alito with homophobia or any other anti-gay attitudes. Instead, they must resort to cherry-picking cases in order to provide cover for their blatant Democratic partisanship.
In one fell swoop, Mike Rogers' has unmasked himself as truly unconcerned with gay rights as much as he wishes all to adhere to one partisan ideology, or else they must be destroyed. As this man reached unhinged some time ago, I'm at something of a loss in providing him with a new adjective to describe the level of delusion and crazy involved in trying to blackmail a U.S. Senator.
Perhaps starting a list of medications as suggestions wouldn't be out of place.
h/t Ace (because I sure as shit don't read over there)