I'll never understand why the gay rights movement is overwhelmingly left-wing when the end-game of multiculturalism is the ultimate diminishment of gay rights. All these people did was speak the truth about Islamic culture in Western Europe. Naturally, they were fired and face prosecution. (Where do these gay journalists think they are - America!?)
I'll take slight issue with the immigration remarks for over-generalization and unnecessary vitriol, but only slight. Polls of Islamic immigrants in Britain show overwhelming majorities refuse to throw down a blanket condemnation of terrorism, and something on the order of 60% of them yearn for sharia law. Very bad for gays. These editors didn't just pull their comments out of their asses. As the birth rates in Europe drop and Islamic immigration rises, kiss gay rights good-bye. That continent is about to "progress" itself right into a neo-medievalism because it will not fight for western values.
I do love the really offended people from Imaan, though. Moonbats who call people like me a Jew for Hitler have obviously never met these folks. They'll defend Islam as they march right up the scaffold for their honor killing. Sorry, I mean "culturally sensitive end of life process."
Sounds better, and we don't have to think about what it really entails.
Pathetic and all too typical. Muslims have situated themselves into the "race" slot in liberal discourse, and so they will always win. Most gays are prisoners of this discourse and don't see how suicidal it is. The Washington Blade just named Pope Benedict Anti-Gay Person of the Year. No one will call them on it. But had they name Mohammed to that slot, or Sharia Lawyers, the shit would rain on them...from our own community. Pope Benedicts pronouncements pale in comparisons to what gays and lesbians in Muslim countries have to live with. Islam is our enemy. End of story. But I fear we will never wake up to this. I'm glad you have the guts to make this point.
Posted by: Essem | January 03, 2006 at 12:29 AM
I'm really getting tired of seeing gay people roll over for this religion because they're a fellow member of the Coalition of the Oppressed.
It's easy to pretend Republicans or Bush or the Pope are the real enemy because they don't like gay marriage, when we're safe and comfortable in a firmly western society. "They don't like gay marriage. *gasp* You, sir, are worse than Hitler *slap*"
When Muslims beat Europe out of sheer demographics? Dear homosexuals, your rights and likely your very life will be gone, gone, gone.
Identity politics, race politics, victim politics - they're about to destroy a great civilization. And the gay rights movement continues to eagerly embrace them, gagging themselves when it comes to Islam, because they cannot bear to be hypocrites.
In 20 years, Europe is in for a horrific mess. Look for increased gay immigration to America.
This is going to be a radical, inflammatory statement, but I'll say it anyway - The Left is the HIV of Western Civilization. They compromise our ability to fight off external threats. We will succumb to a thousand cultural diseases because the Left reduced our political protections against them.
Posted by: Robbie | January 03, 2006 at 12:40 AM
While I don't agree with the Blade's choice of 'anti-gay person of the year' (yeah, it's as stupid as it sounds), I do think that Pope Benedict has had a far more direct impact on gay rights in this country than Mohammed or Sharia Law has. So, from an admittedly limited western perspective, the choice isn't all that crazy.
And Robbie, I don't think you should be so cavalier about how bigoted and small-minded Galha's report was. "Over-generalization and unnecessary vitriol"? They described immigrants (not just illegal immigrants - ALL immigrants) as "criminals of the worst kind." They also singlehandedly dismissed the entire Islamic Religion as being a "barmy doctrine." These gross stereotypes have no place in a serious dialog.
That being said, I understand where you're coming from. In Europe (especially in the media), there is a pervasive fear of having an honest, open dialog about the innate cultural differences that exist between muslims and christians. The French riots are a good example of what happens when you just try to pretend that everything's hunky dorey. But if we allow wingnut groups like Galha to hijack the argument against radical islam, nobody will win. The mainstream media was completely right to condemn this group. Now if only they could open themselves up the Malcontent and Sully, we might have a real conversation.
Posted by: Dan | January 03, 2006 at 12:55 AM
I agree. As I posted on my blog: The Washington Blade has named Pope Benedict XVI the "Anti-gay Person of the Year." Now, while Pope Benny isn't a PFLAG member by any means, I say the Washington Blade is being willfully ingnorant. They have the unmitigated gall to call the Pope the anti-gay person of the year, when there are young gay men being hanged in Iran and persecuted in Egypt and the rest of the Islamic world. When was the last beheading for being gay in Rome? Yeah right, probably never. Islam is the greatest threat to gay rights on the planet right now, and to pretend otherwise is the height of vapidness for the gay community. Wake up and smell the Sharia Law.
Posted by: Queer Conservative | January 03, 2006 at 12:59 AM
Dan: I'm sorry - but I have to agree with GALHA. Islam is incompatible with Western mores and civilization. That's the biggest doubt I have about what we are trying to accomplish in Iraq - that Muslims can actually adapt to democracy. I'm not sure it is possible, but I sincerely hope I'm wrong and I think we're right to try and foster it there.
Posted by: Queer Conservative | January 03, 2006 at 01:04 AM
So QC, we should deport all people of muslim descent from this country unless the renounce their religion? I think we need to draw a line between mainstream muslim culture (which is culturally no more incompatible with democracy than orthodox judaism or roman catholicism) and the radical, extremist form of islam that we normally think of when we think of the middle east.
Posted by: Dan | January 03, 2006 at 01:09 AM
The mainstream media was completely right to condemn this group.
Because, god knows, they aren't going to condemn an Islamic group no matter what they say.
A. Gay journalists say mean things about Muslims.
B. Muslims apologize for terror and would really love sharia law.
Which is worse?
The media picks A.
Posted by: Robbie | January 03, 2006 at 01:10 AM
Fair enough Robbie, but is running out and saying "The Left is the HIV of Western Civilization" doing much to advance this conversation? You're no better than those liberal reports you seek to denounce when you engage in such inflammatory rhetoric.
Posted by: Dan | January 03, 2006 at 01:13 AM
Dan, I must admit I think the smartest thing the Western nations could do would be to stop all immigration from majority Muslim countries and to aggressively deport criminal immigrants from those countries.
Posted by: Queer Conservative | January 03, 2006 at 01:15 AM
Fair enough Robbie, but is running out and saying "The Left is the HIV of Western Civilization" doing much to advance this conversation?
I'm not looking to have a conversation. I'm looking to defend Western Civilization. Have "dialogue" if you like, though. Worked for Chamberlain. He dialogued away as Hitler grew more and more powerful.
Some of us already see the dangers. We're done with dialogue. Now, it's time to defend our laws, our liberal democracies, and our inheritance of the Enlightenment.
By all means, though. Have a conversation. I'll make a prediction: Islamist groups will use the rhetoric of racism and xenophobia to paint themselves as victims, and liberal groups will apologize profusely and find ways to accomodate and appease their grievances.
Posted by: Robbie | January 03, 2006 at 01:19 AM
Well, QC, that's possibly the most anti-american thing I've ever heard on this blog. What part of the first amendment do you not understand? I don't give a flying fuck what your religion is, but the second you threaten to do something to aggressively overthrow our government you should either a) go to jail (if you're a citizen) or b) be jailed and/or deported (if you're not). This rule should apply as much extremist christians as it should to extremist muslims.
Like so many people in the current administration, you seem to have no respect for the bill of rights. Good god.
Posted by: Dan | January 03, 2006 at 01:20 AM
And - Democracy sprang forth from the ideals of Western Europe, a heavily Catholic region (at least it used to be.) We owe our modern beliefs about government and freedom and liberty to Christianity, not Mohammed.
Posted by: Queer Conservative | January 03, 2006 at 01:21 AM
the second you threaten to do something to aggressively overthrow our government you should either a) go to jail (if you're a citizen) or b) be jailed and/or deported (if you're not)
You'd be amazed how much the former happens in Britain without the latter following.
Posted by: Robbie | January 03, 2006 at 01:23 AM
Dan, I respect the Bill of Rights, that's why I oppose the spread of Islam. Find me a leader in the Muslim world that does the same. Mubarak in Egypt? No. Ahmadinejad in Iran? No. Assad in Syria? No. The Saudi Royal family? No. The Kuwati Royal family? No. Musharraf? No. In fact, has there ever been a great Muslim democracy? NO. Just because Islam is a religion, doesn't mean it can't be an enormous threat to our way of life, and it certainly doesn't mean it isn't as dangerous as any other form of fascism we've fought over the last century. Grow up.
Posted by: Queer Conservative | January 03, 2006 at 01:26 AM
If you're a citizen, you're a citizen. It doesn't matter what your friggin religion is. If you're a repeat offender, you should be locked up for good or put to death, whatever the applicable laws are in your state/country.
Posted by: Dan | January 03, 2006 at 01:28 AM
QC, you might wanna try reading the Bill of Rights before you 'respect' them.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof...
Now what part of that is compatible with tossing a person from your country based merely on their religion?
Posted by: Dan | January 03, 2006 at 01:30 AM
I'm not talking about their religion, I'm talking about their actions. I don't care if they want to pray 30 times a day while facing the ass of the nearest hippopotamus, as long as they abide by our culture of liberty and individualism. If they can't do that - then out they go.
Posted by: Queer Conservative | January 03, 2006 at 01:33 AM
Oh, and I definitely think we need to be more discerning in who we bestow United States citizenship on.
Posted by: Queer Conservative | January 03, 2006 at 01:35 AM
Well, QC, that's not what you said earlier. You need to be careful with your words here.
Oh, and I definitely think we need to be more discerning in who we bestow United States citizenship on.
After reading your comments, I completely agree.
Posted by: Dan | January 03, 2006 at 01:39 AM
You're splitting semantic hairs, but as long as we agree.
Posted by: Queer Conservative | January 03, 2006 at 01:41 AM
Also, Pope Benny has had ZERO effect on any gay persons life. Not one thing has changed since his "proclamations." It's no more anti-gay now than under John Paul II or the Apostle Peter, just because Benny has voiced it.
Posted by: Queer Conservative | January 03, 2006 at 01:45 AM
Say that to the gay priests who are gonna be out on their ass because of Pope Benedict's crusade.
Posted by: Dan | January 03, 2006 at 01:48 AM
Even IF that happens (and I have my doubts that it will be more than just "talk",) how will that affect gay rights Dan? Really?
Islam is the greater threat. It holds far more people in its sway that any branch of Christianity, and its resolute, unyielding dogma is far more dangerous than the Gospel. At most the Pope just wants to keep gays from wearing those smart focks and to die for shoes - not kill them.
Posted by: Queer Conservative | January 03, 2006 at 01:54 AM
Robbie - Sorry, I mean "culturally sensitive end of life process."
That's good shit.
Dan - Say that to the gay priests who are gonna be out on their ass because of Pope Benedict's crusade.
I'm all out of tears for GAY PRIESTS. No really, GAY PRIESTS.
The words GAY and PRIEST are always funny, when you're making reference to a relgious institution that has historically been at least as homophobic as say, I dunno, ISLAM.
Posted by: Jack Malebranche | January 03, 2006 at 02:01 AM
Dan wrote:
While I don't agree with the Blade's choice of 'anti-gay person of the year' (yeah, it's as stupid as it sounds), I do think that Pope Benedict has had a far more direct impact on gay rights in this country than Mohammed or Sharia Law has.
I reply:
Really? So, cannon law has legal force in the United States? Someone ammended the US Constitution so Benedict XVI and the Curia have voting rights in federal and state legislatures?
You might also care to enlighten us how many gay people are getting tortured and executed in the Holy See these days.
Posted by: Craig Ranapia | January 03, 2006 at 04:53 AM