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January 11, 2006


Craig Ranapia

Are you sure Martha Alito wasn't weeping with the pain of gnawing through her own leg, in a foolish attempt to either stay awake or escape before the elevated levels of senatorial methane killed them all?


,a href="http://sonicfrog.blogspot.com/2006/01/life-immitates-c-art-oons.html#comments">Did You Get That Thing I Senthca?


Did You Get That Thing I Sentcha?


I felt pretty bad when I saw her crying. I mean, put this poor weeping mother next to a bloated, blustery Ted Kennedy and it's not hard to figure out where the sympathy's gonna go. But come on - it's not like they didn't see this line of questioning coming a mile away. And it's not like she didn't know she'd be seen on national television (and wasn't prepped a little herself). Do I think it was staged? Naw, that seems a little too moonbat for me. But this scene is only gonna draw more attention to an event (the mysterious Princeton alumni group) that originally seemed like a non-starter.

Queer Conservative

It's all a "non-starter" - the Dems can't stop this appointment and they know it.

Everytime a judicial nomination has gotten ugly - Bork, Thomas, and now Alito - it was the Dems doing the desperate mudslinging.

Ted Kennedy is a complete joke - hell so are Schumer, Durbin, and Biden (if that's his real name.)

Yum Yum

I'd rather that they didn't show Mrs. Alito crying. The Democrats don't deserve the satisfaction.

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