Which is more difficult deep in the American South - being an open same-sex couple or being in an inter-racial relationship? What if you're both?
In an semi-old episode of MTV's True Life, the camera follows a dual cutie inter-racial gay couple, Ricky and Y'Zell, as they mingle with friends, hang out at the clubs, and undertake the most daunting task facing any homosexual pairing that lives in an area of the country that isn't quite as accepting as one would hope - finding a new apartment together.
Do they find an apartment? Are they greeted by discrimination? Does someone make a really awkward Jeffersons comparison? Malcovision has the clip.
[Watch video – 11:40, WMV format, high bandwidth]
[Watch video – 11:40, WMV format, low bandwidth]
thanks for posting this mate. as a realtor and a member of an interracial relationship i also know the ups and downs of mixed gay couples. When one happens to be black its almost like your both on the outside. even here in chicago its a big problem not just in the south. again thanks for posting this.
Posted by: cardigan | February 21, 2006 at 11:03 PM
Really, even here in Chicago? You know, it shouldn't surprise me, and yet it does for some reason. Though, granted, most of my experience around crowds of gay men tend to be gatherings in Boystown, so I've no knowledge of what day to day life in an inter-racial relationship must be like.
I suppose it's like an advice column I read earlier today at newsday. It shouldn't have shocked me, but I was still completely blown away by it.
Posted by: Robbie | February 21, 2006 at 11:13 PM
Okayyy, are there no blacks or inter-racial couples in "Boystown"? That's news to me.
Posted by: louis | February 22, 2006 at 02:43 AM
damn Ricky's cute...sigh
Posted by: Tim | February 22, 2006 at 01:56 PM
Thanks for this post.
The sad truth of the matter, gay (mainstream) culture is light-years behind heterosexual culture in its openness to Interracial dating (especially dating someone who's black).
Btw, being gay doesn't inoculate he or she from racial prejudice; if anything, in our society, it can exasperate the erroneous racial-angst in some.
Posted by: Faraji | March 12, 2006 at 03:07 AM