How much does it cost to be a true disciple of the Oprah? About $572.86.
Park District officials in Crystal Lake received complaints about plans to host the rowing event in this summer's Gay Games to be held in Chicago. I have it on good authority 86% of the calls were made by this man.
"Do gays and lesbians need specific items and documents ready and available to them and their families, should a disaster, such as an earthquake, flood, tsunami, or other horror occur?" Apparently. How I've gotten this far in life without a pink hazard triangle is absolutely beyond me.
Youth in Israel may now choose to serve a national gay organization in place of joining the military. Sounds a bit like a Cake or Death? decision.
You'd think this U.K. publication could find a better headline for the current military scandal involving troops from the 82nd Airborne Division appearing in gay internet porn.
Speaking of unfortunate headlines . . .
The "impossibly cute" Rob and Jordan at the PEN15 Club finally posted the second episode of their brilliant podcast. Now, to convince them to give us two hours instead of one.
"Mmmm.... Cake please."
"Well we're OUTTA cake! We only had three bits and we didn't expect such a rush."
Posted by: Chad | February 28, 2006 at 10:59 AM
Thanks, Robbie. Although I don't think the world could POSSIBLY withstand two hours of our gayvoices.
Posted by: Jordan | February 28, 2006 at 09:28 PM