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March 28, 2006


Rob Byrnes

Ugh. Can't we take up a collection to send him for reparative therapy?


How dare you critically read a skin rag! Mal, shame on you. For rils.


Well, it wasn't much of a skin rag to speak of this month. Almost all of it is hiding behind Sam Brownback's face.

Jack Malebranche

I tend to agree with him. Except for the God stuff. But that's no suprise, I'm sure.

It really wasn't designed for same-sex couples. Really.

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If the point of having gay marriage is to lower tax bills, we have truly and completely lost.

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focus the relationship in mere sex can be by dangerous for both persons.

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Marriage is not a worthy thing to fight to.

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I am desgree whit this king of marriage, but is just my opinion!

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You would think people would wake-up after that one, but no -- they keep looking for that pot of gold that will send them to Hawaii for the rest of their lives.

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