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April 04, 2006



While she may be an expert on the topics of television and gay adoption, she comes off as ignorant and ill-informed when speaking about politics or current events. When confronted with facts that contradict her point-of-view, she becomes belligerent.

I doubt she could return to her middle-of-the road talk show persona that made her so popular now that she's voiced her sometimes radical stances (i.e, gun control).

Queer Conservative

Before she came out, Camille Paglia once said of her: "Backstage she bites, and she has a closet the size of Greenland."


Thanks for that - it was kick - I love reading her blog too. You go malcontent!


She’s not exactly the best spokeshole for gay parents.



Via: http://beautifulatrocities.com/archives/2006/03/mr_star_jones_r.html

Queer Conservative



She got her facts wrong, maybe she was just nervous.

In Florida, we can Foster Parent to our hearts content, but we can not adopt.


"her Broadway show was hooted off West 45th Street"

and this would be in what city exactly?


Aatom: LOL.

Everybody knows that Broadway is in Broadwayville.


Aatom: I think West 45th Street is somewhere in the heartland of Virginia.


She's a lunatic. She boasted on the View how she made wifey stop breastfeeding because Rosie was jealous. Because, you know, having kids is about stroking your ego. She's a good argument against gay adoption


In Rosie's defense, she is a star. Stars know diddly about politics or current events... unless your Susan Sarandon. *smile*

Queer Conservative

Or Tim Robbins or George Clooney. Or Harry Belafonte or Danny Glover or Sharon Stone or Star Jones.

Queer Conservative

Or Whoopi Goldberg. Oh and Ted Danson or Vanessa Redgrave or Bono.

Queer Conservative

Oh oh oh and Gwyneth Paltrow is a poly sci expert too.

el polacko

sorry... i'll never be able to see rosie as more than a pushy opportunist. she went from intensely closeted friend of the american housewife to un-elected official spokesperson for all things GAY... highlighted by her bounding into frisco to be married in city hall and steal all the publicity thunder away from lesser, run-of-the-mill homos...ugh. now she's the ultimate earth-mother of gay families .. no thanks. she's the white, lesbian jesse jackson.


I have a sof spot for loud fat womyn.



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