Sen. John McCain (R-Pluto) announces he was against the Marriage Protection Amendment before he was for it before he was against it again.
With friends like that ... wait, is he our friend this week?
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Well, I wish McCain would call Falwell's et. al.'s bluff: "Go on, fuck me over and count the seconds before the next Clinton Administration takes out a restraining order."
If McCain sticks to the position he's holding this week, it might well appeal to GOP conservatives who'd like big state, panty-sniffing Christianists to fuck off.
There's actually more of us out there than you might think, Senator McCain.
Posted by: Craig Ranapia | April 20, 2006 at 11:18 PM
Please, not President McCain. Please? I'm feeling fragile anyway...
Posted by: Queer Conservative | April 20, 2006 at 11:39 PM
Sen. McCain might appear to flip-flop on the MPA, but he is forced to do so in order to be consistent with an even larger, more fundamental principle -- states' rights. He opposes the MPA because it infringes on states rights. He said he would support the MPA if the courts preclude states from acting on their own. He's adhered to states rights consistently, so I don't see how he's "flip flopping." He is simply stating how he will adapt in response to potential judicial activism in order to protect states rights.
I'd like to vote Republican in 2008, but he's the only Republican for whom I will go to the polls, so maybe I'm trying to rationalize it away. But I really do think, if you examine his position closely, that he's remained a staunch supporter of a time-honored conservative principle -- federalism, the balance of power between the federal and state governments.
Posted by: Yum Yum | April 20, 2006 at 11:41 PM
(R-Pluto).... Love it.
Posted by: Chad | April 20, 2006 at 11:43 PM
A long-standing conservative principle, I might add, that has been ignored by many of the other contenders for the 2008 GOP nod.
Posted by: Yum Yum | April 20, 2006 at 11:43 PM
Mal or Robbie -- any thoughts on Hu's visit to the US?
Posted by: Yum Yum | April 20, 2006 at 11:45 PM
Hu's visit? You lie down with dogs...
Posted by: Queer Conservative | April 20, 2006 at 11:54 PM
Next thing you know, McCain will be pandering to fundamentalist Christians. Oh wait...
Posted by: Josh | April 21, 2006 at 10:08 AM
McCain has always struck me as a "Howard Dean" like character, he just happens to be better at publicly holding his temper.
Posted by: Queer Conservative | April 21, 2006 at 10:56 AM
John McCain's "black" child
Posted by: Jordy | April 21, 2006 at 11:33 AM
what's always mystified me about mccain is why he's a darling of the left ? he's anti-abortion, pro-gun, etc.. yet mention his name at a lefty event and the crowd bursts into applause .. ??
Posted by: el polacko | April 21, 2006 at 06:32 PM
what's always mystified me about mccain is why he's a darling of the left ? he's anti-abortion, pro-gun, etc.. yet mention his name at a lefty event and the crowd bursts into applause .. ??
It's simple, really. His positions don't matter, really. He routinely opposes more conservative republicans in a high profile way.
he's anti-abortion, pro-gun, etc..
Pro-gun he is, but anti-abortion? Against partial-birth abortion, certainly. But unless i've missed a memo, he's pro-choice on abortion.
I'm assuming you recognize the differnce.
Posted by: blewsdawg | April 21, 2006 at 08:57 PM
what's always mystified me about mccain is why he's a darling of the left ? he's anti-abortion, pro-gun, etc.. yet mention his name at a lefty event and the crowd bursts into applause .. ??
The left would burst into applause for Satan if he was a "maverick" Republican that opposed the Bush administration or went against the Republican majority in congress.
Posted by: Queer Conservative | April 22, 2006 at 12:16 PM
One less delusional, beBushed sychophant is always grounds for applause, at the very least.
Posted by: louis | April 22, 2006 at 03:03 PM
you must have missed quite a few memos then, blewsdawg. mccain has routinely asserted his 'pro-life' position with the only exceptions being rape, incest, and life of the mother. he opposes federal funding, military abortions, has talked about jailing doctors and gets a "zero" rating from naral.
my point is, qc, just how much of a maverick IS he ? yet, even before bush, folks here in the uber-liberal/progressive s.f. bay area have invariably said "oh, i like him" at the mention of his name... ?? certainly, arnold is much further off the republican plantation and yet the lefties despise him so your theory doesn't hold up.
maybe they are hypnotized by mccain's enormous wattle ?.. haha
Posted by: el polacko | April 22, 2006 at 11:08 PM