A week after debuting Rufus Wainwright's Brokeback-related song, Logo's "NewNowNext" premiered a video that's a little more closely related to the subject matter.
Willie Nelson's "Cowboys Are Frequently Secretly (Fond of Each Other)," which hit iTunes on Valentine's Day, is now a delightfully campy music video.
The premise is a "video within a video," with hot cowboy line dancers under Willie's watchful eye and directed by a strangely swishy Burt Reynolds. (I smell yet another career resurgence for the toupeed one.)
But damn Logo for keeping that idiotic "TV-PG" disclaimer over Burt's face for far too long at the beginning! It's bad enough that the censorious prigs in our nation made the networks adopt the TV ratings system in the first place, but they really don't have to piss all over artistic integrity in the process.
Once again, the high-res version is in double the normal MalcoVision resolution.
[Watch video – 5:39, WMV format, high bandwidth]
[Watch video – 5:39, WMV format, low bandwidth]
As always thanks for the video, very interesting...why is Burt Reynolds there though?
Posted by: Scott A | April 03, 2006 at 02:59 AM
and, more importantly, why is this burt reynolds swishing around, unless it's to reinforce the stereotype of the effeminate homosexual that was so clearly negated by brokeback?
Posted by: rouquinricain | April 03, 2006 at 08:50 AM
Director of "Cowboys"
Willie invited long time friend Burt to be in the video. Burt commented oh Jay Leno that his divorce was so expensive - it would have been easier if he had been gay... and if Willie had been gay also, they would have made a great couple and would probably still be together today. They both love to mess with the press and have bantered back and forth for years. Playing a stereotypical flaming director was just one more thing to get people talking.
They are both very supportive of the video.
actual quote from Burt at --> http://popwatch.ew.com/popwatch/2005/07/burt_goes_hoggw.html
Posted by: Darrin Davis | April 03, 2006 at 05:01 PM
I wonder why that little diddy of a melody wasn't pushed to be on the Brokeback soundtrack? Perhaps a bit campy but certainly applicable.
Posted by: louis | April 03, 2006 at 08:37 PM
great site. Enjoyed the video
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