Many on the gay Left have made a cottage industry of demonizing their political opponents, even when those opponents also happen to be gay. So it was refreshing to see today's WaPo op-ed by Elizabeth Birch, former executive director of the Human Rights Campaign, and her partner, Hilary Rosen, former director of the Recording Industry Association of America.
Rather than continue the Left's pointless and self-destructive crusade against Mary Cheney, the pair welcomed her more public stance on issues of concern to gay Americans:
Mary's presence on the national stage -- the daughter of the vice president of the United States discussing issues related to our lives -- is most welcome and has the potential to be a transforming moment for all Americans.
We applaud Mary Cheney's leap onto the national stage. The timing of the book's release is a welcome boon to the current effort to defeat (for the second time) the White House-endorsed Federal Marriage Amendment, which is before Congress and would put discrimination against gay and lesbian families into the Constitution. The vote has once again been timed by the congressional Republican leadership to exploit the midterm elections.
Mary is leading the Cheney family to bring new understanding to dinner-table discussions across the land. We look forward to the Cheney family embracing this teachable moment, not just on the book tour but in election halls, state legislatures and Congress.
Nice to see that "Dear Mary" website hasn't been updated since the 2004 election, by the way. Then again, leave it to those kooky gays not to let a chance at political posturing go by, at the expense of actually making a meaningful difference.
Well good. Still, it would be interesting to ask Ms. Rosen what she did to challenge (highly profitable) homophobia and misogyny in the music industry during her tenure at the RIAA.
Posted by: Craig Ranapia | May 08, 2006 at 03:47 AM
"transforming moment", "teachable moment"...god, what drek of writing...reflecting a drek of thinking. hubris and triviality combined.
Posted by: EssEm | May 08, 2006 at 12:06 PM
I have a simple answer for Birch.
F*ck you.
How DARE a Democratic twit like yourself, who lacked the spine to even stand up to allegedly "pro-gay" Democrats who proudly passed, supported, and advertised their antigay legislation as "protecting American and traditional values", have the gall to say such things, especially to someone who is publicly out and open in what YOU consider to be a neo-fascist environment towards gays?
You aren't fit to lick Mary Cheney's heels, even though they're at your relative eye level -- and it would be an improvement over Bill Clinton's ass.
You and yours not only created this hate, but perpetuated it against gay conservatives, the paid staffers of the organizations that you directed and sat on the board for even providing help to those individuals who wanted to harm the lives and livelihoods of us and our friends --
Both Aravosis and Rogers said they continue to collect information from their network of sources, which include employees of the Human Rights Campaign and Log Cabin Republicans, and plan on outing more staffers and members.
-- while at the same time, you pumped tens of millions in cash and unqualified endorsements toward your FMA- and state amendment-supporting masters.
There are lots of us out here that are sick and tired of your Beltway-bound and muzzled mouth spewing hate at us, then your condescending "support" like this. We've been fighting the battle that you wouldn't, those of you suitably bubbled in your DC townhouses and Taj Mahals, going to cocktail parties and kissing the tochis of people who have made you wealthy as a lobbyist, rather than helped our rights -- then holding self-congratulatory meetings where you demand more money for the singular success of getting a politician to attend an HRC dinner or utter the word "gay", AFTER voting for and signing laws to strip us of our rights.
You and yours are the one thing in my mind that legitimizes homophobia. You are cancerous tumors, bloodsucking parasites that weaken and destroy our movement, sacrificing our rights and our diversity to please your abortionist and Democratic friends and make yourselves wealthy.
Get out.
Posted by: North Dallas Thirty | May 08, 2006 at 01:21 PM
Both Aravosis and Rogers said they continue to collect information from their network of sources, which include employees of the Human Rights Campaign and Log Cabin Republicans, and plan on outing more staffers and members.
They're going to out staffers at HRC and LCR? How hard will that be?
Pssst: Joe Solomonese is a gay!
Posted by: Malcontent | May 08, 2006 at 01:27 PM
I thought Joe Solomonese had an abortion.
Damn, that place is just marinating in secrets.
Posted by: Robbie | May 08, 2006 at 01:33 PM
LOL.....good one, Mal. However, for reference, it refers to Rogers's and Aravosis's campaign to out gay staffers and politicians for the crime of being or working for Republicans, regardless of record.
And Robbie, Solmonese is trying desperately; after all, you can't be a REAL progressive unless you've aborted a baby.
Posted by: North Dallas Thirty | May 08, 2006 at 01:42 PM
And incidentally, I hope LCR and HRC -- especially HRC -- have some straight people somewhere on staff. One would like to think that they don't discriminate based on sexual orientation in hiring.
Posted by: North Dallas Thirty | May 08, 2006 at 01:55 PM
"“Senator Inhofe does not hire openly gay staffers due to the possibility of a conflict of agenda,” an official statement said."
Huh? Are the closet cases more in sinc with the Senator?
Posted by: Tommy | May 08, 2006 at 02:12 PM
Look away,'re about to be annoyed.
Ah yes, the gay Democrat dogma -- anyone who opposes gay rights is a closeted queer.
If applied to Democratic politicians, though, Tim Kaine, John Kerry, and Bill Clinton must be tremendous lays.
Tell me, Tommy, how do their feet smell, since you spend so much time licking them and telling them how "pro-gay" and "gay-supportive" they are?
Posted by: North Dallas Thirty | May 08, 2006 at 02:19 PM
I didn't say the statement, the Senator did.
Tommy - Athens, Greece
Posted by: Tommy | May 08, 2006 at 02:24 PM
NDT - People don't call you insane because your conservative, its because your're a bitter rant.
Posted by: Tommy | May 08, 2006 at 02:25 PM
I didn't say the statement, the Senator did.
Really? Senator Inhofe said this and you didn't?
Huh? Are the closet cases more in sinc with the Senator?
NDT - People don't call you insane because your conservative, its because your're a bitter rant.
Waah, waah, waaah. Want a towel to get that Mace out of your eyes, bully boy?
Posted by: North Dallas Thirty | May 08, 2006 at 02:36 PM
Actually what Rogers has stated is that he will continue to disclose ("outing" is such a homophobic term..insinuating that there is something shameful about being queer) the orientation of people who actively persue agendas that are contrary to the communities that they also belong to. In addition in regards to MC.. Silence is the voice of complicity. Also how comfortable can she possibly be if in fact someone references her lesbo self & she gets upset. The fact is that she is going to be needing a job and suddenly feels that she has some "special story" to tell when in truth she remains one of those people that wants her gayness to make her money. Who cares?
Posted by: Michael | May 08, 2006 at 02:40 PM
Yes, the Senator said it.
Don't you read?
Oh, are you being bullied poor boy? You might want to get that chip looked at.
Posted by: Tommy | May 08, 2006 at 02:45 PM
Actually what Rogers has stated is that he will continue to disclose ("outing" is such a homophobic term..insinuating that there is something shameful about being queer) the orientation of people who actively persue agendas that are contrary to the communities that they also belong to.
As I outlined previously, Rogers's concern has nothing to do with what people do and everything to do with to what party they belong.
Rogers has openly bragged, as that post references, about not outing Democrats who supported the FMA and MPA and their staffers.
Rogers did not out anyone on the Kerry campaign, which actively supported state constitutional amendments destroying gay marriage where it already exists and stripping gays of rights elsewhere.
Furthermore, Rogers's tactics in this include misrepresenting himself as a journalist or as acting on behalf of the police, making repeated and harassing phone calls threatening legal and other action if employers do not fire their gay employees, if webmasters do not shut down blogs critical to him, and others.
Care to rethink that decision?
Posted by: North Dallas Thirty | May 08, 2006 at 02:54 PM
Oh, are you being bullied poor boy? You might want to get that chip looked at.
Brave words from a man on the floor.
Now, why don't you get back up and defend your theory that anyone who opposes gay rights is a closeted queer?
Posted by: North Dallas Thirty | May 08, 2006 at 02:59 PM
Uh? How far of the rails will you go befroe the meds kick in?
Posted by: Tommy | May 08, 2006 at 03:04 PM
Awww, have you forgotten already, Tommy?
"“Senator Inhofe does not hire openly gay staffers due to the possibility of a conflict of agenda,” an official statement said."
Huh? Are the closet cases more in sinc with the Senator?
You made it quite clear that, because Senator Inhofe opposed such things, he was a closet queer. Defend your theory and explain why you don't apply it to Democrats.
Posted by: North Dallas Thirty | May 08, 2006 at 03:11 PM
Oh, and to your "meds" insult.....given the spelling in your , that's a rather Patrick Kennedy-esque statement.
Posted by: North Dallas Thirty | May 08, 2006 at 03:13 PM
Karma....LOL. Insert "post" after "your".
Posted by: North Dallas Thirty | May 08, 2006 at 03:14 PM
The only one who said that are the voices in your head. But go ahead and keep swinging at those scary shadows.
Posted by: Tommy | May 08, 2006 at 03:26 PM
Awww, what's the matter now, Tommy? Are you denying that you said Inhofe was a closet queer?
I wouldn't recommend it.
Posted by: North Dallas Thirty | May 08, 2006 at 03:32 PM
Did you get that shadow? Whoosh.
Posted by: Tommy | May 08, 2006 at 03:36 PM
Don't you two ever tire of rehashing the same argument?
Posted by: anapestic | May 08, 2006 at 03:37 PM
NDT, I didn't read Tommy's statement the way you did. Inhofe's spokesman has said that "openly gay" staffers are not welcome, which would imply that it's OK to be gay but closeted, which is why he ruminated about whether closet cases were more in sync with Inhofe.
It didn't appear to me that he was calling Sen. Inhofe a closet case.
Posted by: Malcontent | May 08, 2006 at 03:38 PM