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May 04, 2006



but they'll continue to give because, well, because DEMOCRATS AREN'T BOOOSH!

Queer Conservative

What! No? What!

The Democrats aren't deeply and faithfully committed to gay rights!? They are willing to pander for the gay vote only to drop the fags like a hot potato when they're through using them, or when they step off the pink plantation? JoeMyGod! Say it ain't so?

(shrieking moonbat claim that Republicans pander and "use" people too, and in worse ways than Democrats ever could in...five...four...three...two...)


Hee hee. "Taint."


It's telling that the theme in Aravosis' comment section is: "It's most important that we first take power back. Then we can take a principled stand about this."




Is there a Webcast?

Tommy, Athens Greece


Notice that ClogActive has nothing on his page lately but his own picture, smiling self-importantly next to Jeff Gannon, and nothing about this...?


Heh-heh-heh.. "Greece"

North Dallas Thirty

What Democrats forget is that they lose because they never take a principled stand. Indeed, they can't take a principled stand.

The reason why is simple, really; affiliation with the Democratic Party is based, not on principle, but on membership in a minority group, i.e., because you're black or gay, you must vote Democrat. Holding the Democratic Party together requires two things: 1) ensuring that said minorities are brainwashed into thinking of themselves as minority first, everything else second, and 2) ensuring that said minorities are brainwashed into thinking that everyone ELSE sees them as minority first, everything else second.

Thus, Paul Yandura committed the unholy trinity of Democratic sins; he expressed himself period, he expressed viewpoints that were contrary to the approved Democratic Party line for all gays, and he threatened the DNC funding stream.

His firing was an example to all Democrats.

Furthermore, as the Aravosis comment stream shows, it also reinforces the plantation mentality among the remaining gay Democrats; they either have to believe Howie, or admit that they've been living a lie.


Kevin, aren't about 75 percent or more of Rogers' posts about masturbatory self-congratulations anyway?

He is so desperate to keep his own press clips flowing that he has begun outing people who were never "in" to begin with.


At what point will it become acceptable to consider gay democrats "self-loathing" or "Jews for Hitler"?


Kevin, it's difficult to notice what is or isn't on the Termite's site, when I have such open contempt for him that I never view his blog in the first place.


New rule: Gay activists need to be hot. How can anyone inspire confidence and exude leadership if I don't want to sleep with them?

So, naturally, Jeff Gannon stays.

But Mike Rogers . . . Jesus, Joseph, and Mary. That's just bitter explained, that is.

Mike N.


el polacko

let's not forget that great champion of gay rights, bill clinton. he hugged us, cried with us, felt our pain, he 'got it', promised an executive order to end military discrimination... and then gave us don't ask don't tell and the defense of marriage act.. and yet he and hillary are revered for their support..??
on the other hand, when gay rights issues come up here in sunny california, the vote is almost always completely along party lines : democrats for and republicans against. so i can't quite bring myself to telling them to go fuck themselves either..*sigh*

North Dallas Thirty

How can anyone inspire confidence and exude leadership if I don't want to sleep with them?

If that is true, I may soon be one of the most powerful men in California. (conniving, evil smile)

Queer Conservative

Well, just remember that in the "blue states" Michigan and Oregon, anti-gay marriage amendments passed by sizeable majorities. That means there were most likely a lot of Democrats who were "pro" anti-gay marriage.


How long have you been a self-loathing homsoexual, Robbie?

el polacko

..just to clarify, i was talking about votes in the california legislature not the general electorate ..the 'real folks' of both parties have mostly always voted against The Gays. (what other group has it's civil rights rountinely come up for a vote?.. it drives me mad.)


It's impt that McCarthyite whackjobs like Aravosis have hope, something that makes them get out of bed every morning for another day of anger & displaced anxieties, but they will need intravenous Ativan after Nov, cuz they have no chance of retaking anything


Yeah, my dear Mal and Blew...FrogActive should be renamed The SelfContent.

Another Gaymer

When I look at both parties, I know which side of the bread is buttered when it comes to civil rights.

The problem is, there is no actual bread.

There may, however, be yeast. There's certainly a lot of gas floating around.

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