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May 13, 2006


1607 - Jamestown, Virginia, is settled as what would become the first permanent English colony in North America.

This is right in my neck of the woods. Most people think the first settlers in N. America landed in Massachussetts. Didn't happen until twenty years after Jamestown. By that time, some of Jamestown's settlers had populated both sides of the Hampton Roads harbor, and had a well established ferry system running from Cape Henry to Jamestown. The home of Adam Thoroughgood, who founded that ferry system, is still standing in Virginia Beach.

Jamestown is gonna have a big ol' time next year, celebrating the 400th anniversary of the Jamestown settlement, and it'll be worth a trip if you're interested in history.


No, it is not news when anyone with the WNBA comes out....just like it's not news when the AFA decides to start a corporate boycott or Jesse Jackson travels to the site of the latest two-party conflict.

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