NGLTF returns $5,000 to the DNC, blasting Chairman Howard Dean's complete ignorance of his own party's platform regarding gays:
WASHINGTON, May 8 —In a Christian Broadcasting News segment aired today on The 700 Club concerning how Democrats are reaching out to evangelicals, Howard Dean, chair of the Democratic National Party, said, "The Democratic Party platform from 2004 says that marriage is between a man and a woman. That's what it says. I think where we may take exception with some religious leaders is that we believe in inclusion, that everybody deserves to live with dignity and respect, and that equal rights under the law are important."
In fact, the DNC 2004 platform says, "We support full inclusion of gay and lesbian families in the life of our nation and seek equal responsibilities, benefits, and protections for these families. In our country, marriage has been defined at the state level for 200 years, and we believe it should continue to be defined there. We repudiate President Bush's divisive effort to politicize the Constitution by pursuing a 'Federal Marriage Amendment.' Our goal is to bring Americans together, not drive them apart."
Bravo to NGLTF for showing integrity.
On gays, Democrats continue to race Republicans to the bottom. So to speak. (Ahem.)
It seems that the brain-dead "strategies" of gay Democrats have come home to roost.
You can only play the "your party hates you!! NYAHH!!" card so often, until you wake up and realize that politics is about wielding power, it's not about being liked. It's not about big hugs and air kisses and 'feelings.' And it's also not about hatred.
It's about leverage. It's about having alternatives. It's about thinking long-term. But most of all, it's about ideas.
One little stroll past nearly all the websites that make up what you could term the "gay political webring of choice" and, frankly, you'll see what politics ISN'T about. From left to right. It's all self-adoring, ass-kissing, name-calling, vacuous, idea-less bullshit.
So I hate to say it, kids, but the gay American political community of today is getting what it deserves, like the spoiled, stupid Anna Nicole it has become.
Posted by: Kevin | May 11, 2006 at 11:49 AM
You should head over to the site. It appears the Dean spin machine is already in full gear. I am a Democrat and I basically sent an e-mail to them thanking them for clarifying the Party's position and that in the future I would either be sitting out elections or voting for a candidate that shares my views and concerns. I'm wondering if the DNC got any other e-mails or phone calls over this today? I will post the DNC's response here should I get one.
Posted by: cmh | May 11, 2006 at 12:27 PM
Well, I, for one, am pissed. This is not the same Howard Dean who Governed VT for 10 years. He just shot any integrity he had right out the fucking window.
And good for the NGLTF for returning the money. After all the bitching we've heard from certain commenters, I wonder if there will be a congratulations this time.
Posted by: Jamie | May 11, 2006 at 12:39 PM
Dean's non-response is hilarious. "Well of course gay families have dignity and value . . . but we're not for marriage . . . but gay families deserve equal rights . . . just not gay marriage . . . people, how do I get Jesus freaks to vote for us?!"
This man just threw the GLBT segment of the Democratic Party under a bus.
Would it be horribly dickish of me if I shook my head at the gay political establishment, tutted a little, and said, "I told you so."
What, too soon?
Posted by: Robbie | May 11, 2006 at 12:52 PM
Yes, a bit too soon.
Posted by: Jamie | May 11, 2006 at 01:01 PM
In all seriousness, perhaps this will serve as a wake-up call to the gay establishment that putting all their pink eggs in the Democratic basket was an ill-conceived idea from the start.
Ok, ok. That'll never happen. However, maybe enough people will realize that the real power of any gay political establishment must originate from a core set of gay-centered political goals (no more general Leftism bs). It cannot and should not be granted to parties and unrelated causes, but to supportive candidates.
Gay activists were a cheap lay, and the Democrats were that awful boyfriend who drunkenly knocks on the door at 1 AM on a Friday night, taking what he wants before slinking off in the pre-dawn hours so his friends won't see.
The slow awakening to the Deanian DNC's intentions continues, and the NGLTF and others' actions are part of regaining a bit of dignity.
I don't expect very much here. I suspect Dean will throw the barest of bones, and plenty of the usual gay suspects will go slobbering back. But perhaps all this will wake enough people up, enough who will begin demanding candidates work for their dollars and support. Anything to foster increased effectiveness.
Because right now, all that work and money went for Kerry and the Democratic Party, and the chairman just showed GLBT groups what it meant: Not a damn thing. You're a tiny minority of the electorate. You're expendible.
Posted by: Robbie | May 11, 2006 at 01:14 PM
Gay activists were a cheap lay, and the Democrats were that awful boyfriend who drunkenly knocks on the door at 1 AM on a Friday night, taking what he wants before slinking off in the pre-dawn hours so his friends won't see.
Consider that stolen.
Posted by: Famous Author Rob Byrnes | May 11, 2006 at 01:21 PM
After all the bitching we've heard from certain commenters, I wonder if there will be a congratulations this time.
Who would those be, Jamie?
Posted by: Malcontent | May 11, 2006 at 01:28 PM
Yes, Jamie, I think this about covers it:
"Bravo to NGLTF for showing integrity."
The real crime/irony is that Dean was on Fire Island in the Pines just last fucking week air-kissing the gay mafia at a snooty luncheon.
What a fucking prick.
Posted by: Aatom | May 11, 2006 at 01:41 PM
And of course, the new "outreach" advisor is going to be SUCH a help.
*rolls eyes*
He's already spinning it.
Mal, establish a party already, wouldja?
Posted by: Jamie | May 11, 2006 at 01:42 PM
"...a core set of gay-centered political goals." What are these goals?
Posted by: James | May 11, 2006 at 01:50 PM
Mal, establish a party already, wouldja?
I dunno, Jamie, I tend to live by a motto borrowed from Groucho Marx: "I refuse to join any club that would have me as a member."
Posted by: Malcontent | May 11, 2006 at 01:52 PM
Mal, no offense, but look around. You already are IN a club that you started.
So what's one more?
Posted by: Jamie | May 11, 2006 at 01:59 PM
Oh ya, we'd make a bitchin party. How, exactly, would that first meeting go?
Posted by: Tommy | May 11, 2006 at 02:37 PM
It would have to start with copious amounts of alcohol, and would probably end with someone being gagged.
Posted by: Jamie | May 11, 2006 at 02:44 PM
James - Gay marriage, gay discrimination laws, etc. Even if I don't necessarily agree with everything gay organizations want to achieve, I'd be ecstatic if they kept themselves concerned with solely gay issues. Cut out the abortion statements, the anti-war marches, the illegal immigration support. Stick to gay bread and butter. (Er, you know what I mean).
If people want to achieve gay marriage, they're going to need support from moderates, independents, and even right-of-center types in middle America. The rampant leftism and pure Democratic partisanship of the current gay political establishment not only prevents any kind of outreach in this direction, it's actively hostile to it.
Posted by: Robbie | May 11, 2006 at 02:55 PM
ditto to all the comments about supposed gay rights organizations that have hooked their wagons to lefty causes.
looks like the dems are well on their way to blowing yet another opportunity to regain some power by trying to be mealy-mouthed republicans-lite and shitting on the homos for good measure. unfortunately, on the other side, we have the mary "i'm not a one-issue voter" cheney types who willingly surrender their civil rights for the 'greater good'.
so we're fucked, and not in the good way.
Posted by: el polacko | May 11, 2006 at 03:34 PM
"If people want to achieve gay marriage, they're going to need support from moderates, independents, and even right-of-center types in middle America."
right. which is exactly why the consistently leftist rhetoric coming from our PR people leads to ham-fisted bullshit like this, where the Dems have to publicly step back from supporting us in order to court the red states. WE should be the ones courting the red states, and the Dems should stay on the left where they belong. It's all bass-ackwards.
Posted by: Aatom | May 11, 2006 at 05:37 PM
Who would those be, Jamie?
Missed this earlier, but I'd rather not say, Mal. Suffice to say it wasn't you, and I'll leave it at that.
Posted by: Jamie | May 11, 2006 at 07:26 PM
And how would you repsond that for some gay folk immigration is an issue? Maybe it's time for us to acknowledge that same sex desire does not make us political allies? Maybe the whole idea of "the gay community" needs to be looked at? Could it be that we lack the political power people here are talking about because there is no sense of how our gay lives are lived differently? The rich Chelsea lawyer may have nothing in common with the street kid who lives in Brooklyn?
Posted by: James | May 11, 2006 at 07:42 PM
James, I was in a binational relationship for a number of years. I'm aware of the immigration issues facing gay couples who wish to live in America. However, recognizing there is a gay component to immigration reform is a very far cry from falling all in with the illegal immigrant demands. After the recent rally, there were many editorials in gay publications about how illegal immigrants deserved our solidarity. It's total rubbish, and it's damaging to our cause.
As for the gay community, it is incredibly diverse - far more diverse than the organizations would have people realize. But there are enough commonalities, like gay marriage, that I think an able majority of gay people are willing to back and support. Concentrating on those relatively common goals rather than branching out into partisanship and radical liberal politics would tighten activism and strengthen their hand.
Posted by: Robbie | May 11, 2006 at 08:00 PM
Maybe I'm bitter (shocking!), but I'm not yet convinced "there are enough commonalities." I sort of wish we would stop with the whole "gay community" line and acknowledge on some things we will agree, but that on many issues we stand on opposng sides.
Posted by: James | May 11, 2006 at 08:08 PM
Try this one.
I know the following was addressed at Robbie, but if I may have a whack at it...
Doesn't make immigration a gay issue. Fight that one without the gays that disagree w/ you on that.
Or maybe it's time to form an alliance between gays, regardless of political party affilliation to fight strictly for gay issues, then split into your respective parties on the unrelated issues. And don't expect one political party to fight your battles for you.
I think that's a running theme on this site already.
Posted by: blewsdawg | May 11, 2006 at 08:35 PM
Strange that at a libertarian/conservative site I would get a repeat of Malcom X's wolf/fox description of the two major political parties:
"And don't expect one political party to fight your battles for you."
Posted by: James | May 11, 2006 at 10:14 PM
After all the bitching we've heard from certain commenters, I wonder if there will be a congratulations this time.
As the old saying goes, "Crow is a dish best eaten in silence." :)
I think Matt Foreman made two stupid mistakes even in this.
The first was this clueless statement:
Once again, we urge the governor to accurately represent the party's commitment to equality for LGBT people and our families, and to do everything in his power as chair to realize this vision.
Dean WAS accurately representing the Democratic Party's commitment to equality. It just doesn't jibe with Matt Foreman's pink-magic-mushroom-influenced view of reality.
The Dem koolaid acid trip Foreman is perpetually on is what led to the second stupid decision -- which was giving the money back. I can think of much better uses for it, like running ads in major newspapers telling Howie to go do things to himself, or even better, voter education materials.
Those being said, though, at least NGLTF (and HRC) had the gumption to stand up and criticize the head of the DNC, which is definitely worth congratulations from my perspective.
Posted by: North Dallas Thirty | May 11, 2006 at 11:15 PM