Will this quench the flames of cyber fury?
President Barack Obama plans to extend health care and other benefits to the gay and lesbian partners of federal employees. White House officials say Obama plans to announce decision on Wednesday in the Oval Office.
It's a fig leaf, and given the generally groveling disposition of the community, it may just be enough to get everyone to calm themselves and do a little face-saving. However, such an incremental step that requires next to no political capital to enact may be too little, too late. There's Democratic blood in the water.
Of course, all of this is assuming no one's reading this interview with the administration's highest ranking gay official. John Berry intimates measures like repeals of DADT and DOMA may not be attempted until a theoretical second term.
In related news, Harry Reid has no idea what's going on. President Obama has repeatedly stated any action on DADT requires Congressional initiative. Sen. Reid said that such initiative should come from the White House, but he is now "clarifying". It's nice to know Democrats approach gay rights like an easily forgotten domestic chore. "I thought you were taking out the trash?" "No, I thought you did." "So neither of us did?" . . ."What's that smell?"
That smell is a lot of pissed off gay people.
Update: Apparently the term "benefits" has a very flexible definition.
It almost feels like the president is taunting the GLBT community at this point. Whoever is advising him on gay policy should probably be fired. Solmonese should resign. If we haven't reached the point of official circus, we're getting mighty close.
Why, I think the situation has deteriorated to the point where not even an insincere speech will salvage his position with the community. It's that serious.
talk about throwing (some of)us a bone ! .. ya think this has anything to do with barack's big p.r. push for his healthcare plan?
naaahh... he wouldn't just use us like that, would he ?
Posted by: elpolacko | June 16, 2009 at 10:52 PM
Using the community would denote some kind of forethought on the part of the administration. I don't give them even that much credit.
This seems like back-pedalling without realizing there's a tar pit behind them. They're about to get deep in it.
Posted by: Robbie | June 17, 2009 at 04:17 AM
Benefits but no health insurance coverage? He can bit my ass.
Posted by: Jamie | June 17, 2009 at 07:41 AM
This is such complete baloney.
First off, even though DOMA does prevent the Federal government from recognizing legal instruments that approximate marriage for purposes of benefits, there's ample case law that shows there is no problem with adding domestic partners, same-sex or opposite-sex, to health plans as long as they don't get preferential tax treatment AND no evidence of legal ceremony is required to do it. That's how private companies (and even state governments) have been able to offer DP benefits even with DOMA and state constitutional amendments.
Second off, ever since the Pension Protection Act, it has been perfectly legal to designate whoever you like as your tax-advantaged beneficiary, provided your pension plan is updated to allow it, regardless of spousal status.
In short, Obama is doing next to nothing and trying to blame it on the law -- when the law says and limits nothing of the sort. What that means is that John Berry is either a complete idiot who has no understanding of HR-related laws and benefits in this country, or is deliberately going along with this to give cover for Obama.
I could believe both.
And if you needed an answer as to why Obama did this little, here it is; the bootlickers are already making nicey nice.
Posted by: North Dallas Thirty | June 17, 2009 at 12:17 PM
Precisely. States and private companies have worked around various forms of local DOMAs for years to provide health and retirement benefits. The idea the federal government cannot do it if it cared to is absurd.
This is just one more signal from the administration that they're not willing to spend one iota of political capital on gay issues.
Posted by: Robbie | June 17, 2009 at 02:19 PM
I wouldn't doubt if there's something else also entering into his political calculus here. He's trying to push through a comprehensive health care plan. Perhaps some (clueless) advisor or other suggested to him that dropping health benefits from this plan would bring the entire gay community behind the health care plan -- i.e., as if we would think, "Oh no! Now the only way for us to get health benefits is for the federal government to give them to everybody!"
The sad thing is, I'm not 100% convinced that this won't be exactly what happens.
Posted by: Doug | June 28, 2009 at 10:24 AM
Its about time.
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The sad thing is, I'm not 100% convinced that this won't be exactly what happens.
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