All the Islam That's Unfit to Print
While the inward American Left still shudders from occasional paroxysms of apoplexy over Hitlerian, jack-booted thugs removing t-shirts from the Capitol on Tuesday night, the rest of the western world turns its eyes further east this week as one of the core foundations of liberal democracy comes under orchestrated attack by Islamic nation states and the real, tangible shadows of fascism.
When a Danish newspaper published editorial cartoons depicting the Prophet Mohammad, a firestorm erupted in the Muslim world. Artistic likenessess of the founding father of the religion are strictly verboten. Islamic governments and culture at large reacted with characteristic aplomb, attacking embassies, threatening to kidnap and execute foreigners, demanding apologies and groveling from European governments, and generally being their peaceful selves. Egypt dispensed with formalities and addressed the controversy with a bit of straight-forward Euro-speak. While the politicians fell over themselves apologizing for freedom of expression, European publications are standing firm.
In a somewhat related story, Richard J. Rosendall of the Independent Gay Forum recently wrote a piece wondering what on earth gay people and organizations are doing supporting Palestinians over a liberal democracy. Queers Undermining Israeli Terrorism have called for a boycott of World Pride 2006 scheduled to be held in Jerusalem. The International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission characteristically picked Leftist politics over gay rights, supporting a violently homophobic Palestinian culture that would kill them over a liberal Israel that protects gay rights. As the author notes, wrapping this decision in human rights rhetoric counts not at all considering the IGLHRC attended rallies in Beijing and Havana.
Given the first story in this post, I am beginning to doubt many of these queer organizations are, in fact, liberal. Supporting cultures that would squelch free expression while persecuting gays seems like more "solidarity in oppression" agitprop.
Last, but definitely not least, I decided to toss up one of the editorial cartoons depicting Mohammed, because, well, fuck 'em. Free expression must always trump offense and the cult of victimology, even if Islamic culture has unravelled the code speak our own radical queers use when siding with far left-wing causes that would reduce freedoms under the guise of gay and human rights.