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August 23, 2005

"Dr. Cavil" and the DLC


The clocks seem to run a little slow in Loonyland: The DailyKos and his merry band of pitchfork-wielders have apparently pushed back their deadline for mounting jihad against the DLC.

LGF thinks they all might just go away for the tidy sum of one millllllllion dollars:

Mind you, he first said "two weeks" more than three weeks ago.  (Oh, and nice haircut, Markos.)

August 03, 2005

Kos's Cause: Dismantle the DLC


The Daily Kos, the liberal blogger with an out-sized view of his own power, has aimed his howitzer directly at Democratic centrists.  Believing that the moderate Democratic Leadership Council "is in desperate need of relevance," this patron saint of the loony left is threatening to turn his activist hounds on the one organization that arguably was responsible for the election of the only Democratic president of the last quarter-century:

So what's left? Let the DLC fizzle out on its own? We could do that. It has a limited shelf life.

Or we can help the process along, working collectively to hasten the process. And I've got a plan to do just that.

Consider this a teaser. ETA is four weeks.

If we didn't know any better, we would think this were a brier patch constructed not by Kos, but by Republicans, and we'd be tempted to wish that the ever-leftward-veering Democrats find themselves tossed right into it.  But the country needs a vital two-party system.  It also needs centrist Democratic national candidates who will force moderation upon the opposition, and keep Republican hubris in check.

[HT: Daily Dish]