Gay Left-Coast Kookiness
I'm sure there are more such reports to be found in California alone, but a casual perusal of blogs this afternoon helps underscore the dogged determination of some gay liberals to alienate the rest of us who might otherwise support them on issues that concern us all.
BoiFromTroy writes about a trip to his local gay bookstore, during which he had hoped to find a copy of gay American Mary Cheney's new tome. But the shop was good enough to carry plenty of copies of straight American, and frothy socialist, Noam Chomsky's new book.
Perhaps these are wise business decisions for someone with a West Hollywood clientele. But why, then, call yourself a "gay" bookstore? Answer: Because a disturbing number of gay Americans naïvely consider ultra-leftist politics part and parcel of the homosexual experience. For millions of the rest of us, this just doesn't compute.
In a somewhat related story, Queerty reports that the California State Senate has passed a bill "that would require textbooks in public schools to instruct students on contributions by gays and lesbians in the state's development."
Normally I would decry the balkanization of education by officious politicians. But the bill already reads like a laundry list of aggrieved groups — "men and women, Black Americans, American Indians, Mexicans, Asians, Pacific Islanders, and other ethnic groups, and people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender" — so gays might as well join the hit parade. (It's similar to my thoughts on hate-crimes laws: They're stupid and pointless, but as long as we have them, gays should be protected by them.)
But why can't they just teach students about Californians' contributions to the state, regardless of whatever preferred group to which they belong?