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May 18, 2006

Gay Bits - Cold, Rainy, Stupid Chicago Weather Edition

We know Katharine McPhee went seven circles of glittery supernova on this week's American Idol. AOL's Kenneth Hill serves up the other gay moments from this week's show you might have missed.

A Georgia court strikes down that state's gay marriage amendment on a technicality.

Yet another columnist explains why yet another unrelated liberal cause should drain the attention and funds of the gay rights movement.

The Bush administration changes its mind and votes for consultative status for a gay rights organization at the U.N. My gay activist overlords have informed me we may never speak of this matter again.

Mere hours ago, the Senate Judiciary Committee approved the Federal Marriage Amendment. Sens. Arlen Specter and Russ Feingold celebrated with bitch-slapping.

Tonight marks the series finale of Will & Grace. When asked for comment, 84.2% of GLBT respondents shrugged and replied, "That show's still on?"

May 16, 2006

Happy Gay Day, Hires Gives Good Head Edition

Malbug_17It's frothy, you can lick it sexily off your lips, and it is 140 years old today.  No jokes about Larry King's love life, please.

Continue reading "Happy Gay Day, Hires Gives Good Head Edition" »

May 15, 2006

Gay and Other Bits

Malbug_17Laura Bush says gay-marriage legislation shouldn't be a "campaign tool."  I guess no one told her husband.

Malbug_17Former Senator Bob Kerrey admits blocking cocks.

Malbug_17Alabama AG candidate shows that racism knows no party boundaries.

May 02, 2006

Gay Bits

Figuring common sense is for proles, the ACLU decides defending NAMBLA isn't the worst thing they can do and takes up for the virulently anti-gay Westboro Church.

The Democratic Party doesn't care a fig about gay issues. In other news, the sky is a pleasing shade of azure.

Facing total failure in the legislature, Peter and friends are attempting to get a nonbinding advisory referendum against gay marriage on the Illinois ballot this fall. As the legislature, both gubanatorial candidates, the mayor of Chicago, and people in general are against the move, GLBT folk in the state look on with bemusement.

Poland declares that just because they're primarily known for massive sausages, we oughtn't read too much into it.

The Pope reconsiders condom use as a method of combatting HIV. For heterosexuals. Who are married.

A Christian group disinvites Clay Aiken from their event. When asked for comment, a spokesperson replied, "We were hoping for a power bottom."

April 21, 2006

Gay Bits

The gayest American Idol moments of the week, pardon the pleonasm.

The Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals upholds a ban on anti-gay clothing. The majority opinion held, "While 'Homosexuality is Shameful' is objectively offensive and disruptive, using masking tape to append the message to a shirt is a compound hurt against gay men of taste everywhere."

George Michael: "It's all that bitch Elton's fault."

Speaking of pleonasms, a New York university is holding a gay prom.

In Britain, the BBC will be airing a program "The Trouble With Gay Men" exploring why "some of us insist on still behaving with the silly rebelliousness of extended adolescence." This should get the producer in no trouble with gay groups whatsoever.

Belgium, land of waffles and gay adoption.

April 12, 2006

Gay Bits, That's "Fletcher" Not "Felcher" Edition

Malbug_13The next time someone tells you gay people want "special rights," tell them about idiot governors who are taking rights away.  But at least the governor is consistent: While he would deny the use of state funds to protect gay people, he would also give them to schools that discriminate against them.

Malbug_13"Soulforce" gay activists protest at BYU, as arrested students find that bizarre speech codes don't exist only at left-wing universities.  [h/t Andy]

Malbug_13Meanwhile, the next stop for Soulforce might be the White House lawn.

Malbug_13Reading comprehension at all-time low in Charlotte, N.C., as a school confuses "tolerance" with "sexually explicit."

Malbug_13It ain't easy being a gay mobster.

Malbug_13Influential Conservative Jewish leader calls for ordination of gays.

Malbug_13Virginia's Democratic governor will let a referendum move forward that is considered one of the harshest gay-marriage bans in the country.  It also bans private contractual arrangements that "simulate the rights of marriage."

Malbug_13"Toby" still mysteriously drawn to the Brat Boy.

Malbug_13The always useful Dailykos is just discovering that society is more accepting of lesbians than it is of gay men.

April 03, 2006

Gay Bits, Total Meltdown Edition

Malbug_13AmericaBlog agrees with me on something?  Satan must be looking frantically for his parka and long-johns.  Meanwhile, it looks like a potential perp walk for Cynthia McKinney.

Malbug_13As the DC smoking ban nears, thumb-sucking bed-wetter Mark Lee takes his marbles and goes home.

Malbug_13Becks is still hot, even if he should star in the sequel to "Sleeping With the Enemy."

Malbug_13Sorry for the lean content today.  Network troubles are preventing me from accessing about 90 percent of the Internets.

March 31, 2006

Gay Bits, Not That There's Anything Wrong With That Edition

Malbug_13The Mayor of West Sacramento comes out.  I knew I had seen him at Faces!  [h/t Andy]

Malbug_13"Hostile society" leads to gay depression.  I guess I'll have to start snorting my Wellbutrin now.

Malbug_13The constitution DeBased: Sen. Mike DeWine will co-sponsor anti-gay marriage amendment.

Malbug_13Vin Diesel "slams" but does not deny gay rumors, saying he comes from the "Marlon Brando ... code of silence."  Nice alibi, dude.

Malbug_13BMW is spending its ad bucks in the gay rags, but there's still no pleasing the crybabies.

Malbug_13Robbie's hometown rail authority is just daring the homophobes to stand up and be counted.

March 30, 2006

Gay Bits, War on "Gay Terrorists" and Seacrest Edition

Malbug_13What kind of asshole could figure out a way to put terrorists and gays into the same category?  Why, Antonin Scalia, of course!  [h/t Queerty]

[UPDATE: Towleroad has more on Scalia and an obscene suggestion he made to a photographer that we're inclined to consider ourselves.]

Malbug_13Oh, and Polish President Lech Kaczynski too.

Malbug_13Australia moves to block gay civil unions.

Malbug_13PAYOR wants to "leave no straight person behind."

Malbug_13Did the Massachusetts high court just "un-marry" me and many others?  For the record, I still intend to reside in Massachusetts.  Yep, that's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Malbug_13Seacrest ... OUT!We love Tori!  On the two writers of her new VH1 show: "They're gay and fabulous," she said. "Who better to write for Tori Spelling?"

Malbug_13"The Evidence" features the ol' gay-boxer gambit.

Malbug_13Do you think he threw up a little bit in her mouth?

March 23, 2006

Gay Bits, Upside of Spider Bites Edition

Malbug_13They're black, they're young, they're ... Republican? Sure, they can probably hold their meetings in a phonebooth, but we wouldn't really mind squeezing in there with them.

Malbug_13There's a new player in the field of gay, professional and social networking services: Circa-Club.

Malbug_13Yet another poll finds fast-growing acceptance of gays.

Malbug_13Slate lights a match to the "gay marriage leads to polygamy" strawman.

Malbug_13Catholic Charities fights back anti-gay-adoption onslaught.

Malbug_13"Ex-gay" group apparently wants to see an ex-First Amendment too.

Malbug_13Could you please suck out the venom?

Malbug_13Look out, Mormons: Here comes Soulforce.

March 21, 2006

Gays Bits, Fear and Loathing Edition

Malbug_13Think anti-gay religious bigotry is confined to fundamentalist Muslims and Christians?  Think again.

Malbug_13Cameroon somehow managed to get even less friendly to gays.

Malbug_13Gay-marriage proponents are still looking to the courts.

Malbug_13The military needs you if you're queer.  Except for when they don't need you.

Malbug_13Who wins the weird-off between Larry King and Liza?  Hint: It's not Larry.  [h/t: Gawker]

Malbug_13The PEN15 boys check in on Cindy.

March 20, 2006

Post-Germanic Gay Bits

Malbug_13Robbie's hometown newspaper looks at the fight over gay adoption as the USA's "next culture clash."

Malbug_13A new website aims for the Native American GLBT audience.

Malbug_13The Advocate breaks major news: Many gays were among the anti-war protests over the weekend.  The Malcontent breaks even bigger news: Many more of us were not.

Malbug_13Andy gives us a glimpse at the NCAA's "hottest" matchup (sixth item).

Malbug_13Muslim leaders once again demonstrate the nanoscopic lengths of their tolerance.

Malbug_13Queer footballers whip some straight ass.

Malbug_13Queerty asks if there are any unmarried gay celebs left in the UK.

Malbug_13The Malcontent missed when "Speedo Sunday" became "Speedo Monday," but we won't quibble.

February 28, 2006

Gay Bits - Morning Edition

How much does it cost to be a true disciple of the Oprah? About $572.86.

Park District officials in Crystal Lake received complaints about plans to host the rowing event in this summer's Gay Games to be held in Chicago. I have it on good authority 86% of the calls were made by this man.

"Do gays and lesbians need specific items and documents ready and available to them and their families, should a disaster, such as an earthquake, flood, tsunami, or other horror occur?" Apparently. How I've gotten this far in life without a pink hazard triangle is absolutely beyond me.

Youth in Israel may now choose to serve a national gay organization in place of joining the military. Sounds a bit like a Cake or Death? decision.

You'd think this U.K. publication could find a better headline for the current military scandal involving troops from the 82nd Airborne Division appearing in gay internet porn.

Speaking of unfortunate headlines . . .

The "impossibly cute" Rob and Jordan at the PEN15 Club finally posted the second episode of their brilliant podcast. Now, to convince them to give us two hours instead of one.

February 14, 2006

Gay Bits

Malbug_13U.S. military has wasted $363.8 million over 10 years discharging gays, also known as 404,672 suits of body armor.


One year later and "the leads have all but dried up" in the brutal dismemberment of Rashawn Brazell, a bisexual Brooklyn teen.  Police are pointing to the possibility that a "chance encounter" took his life.  —Reg. req. for link. (Thanks, James)


Andy has a good round-up of recent gay-marriage news:  William Weld continues to disappoint; Frist continues not to surprise.  Meanwhile, "It's good for your health!"

Malbug_13Tom Cruise: Still sue-happy after all these years.


DNC imitates gay-left blogophere: "You're ugly!  And fat!"

Malbug_13It's "Zbooby"?  Looks more like It's "Zpenis" to me.

Malbug_13MalcoVision will be studying Johnny Weir's every fey move tonight.

February 10, 2006

Weekend Gay Bits

Is it because I'm a line-backer? A gay former NFL player is shut out from the Super Bowl and plans to sue.

Focus on the Family attempts a sleight of hand maneuver in supporting limited domestic partnership rights in Colorado. Joe Solomnese declares them gay supportive and pisses away millions before it is explained to him they're not Democrats.

The HIV travel ban is lifted for this summer's Gay Games to be held in Chicago. Despite the poor timing, a newly reincarnated local chapter of ACT UP materialized in the most gay friendly city this side of San Fancisco for reasons completely unknown.

Behold the awesome power of the American Family Association as they assault storyboards for Jesus.

Can a person contract homosexuality at a seminar? Apparently. Activists, correct your recruitment handbooks where appropriate.

February 02, 2006

Gay Bits


Their "missionary position": Evangelicals raise Cain over the choice of openly gay Chad Allen to play a missionary in "End of the Spear."  Given that there is no gay sex whatsoever in the movie, it kind of puts the lie to that whole "love the sinner, hate the sin" thing.  — See also NYT link, reg. req.  [Thanks, Celeste]

UPDATE: GPW has some good things to say about this.

Malbug_13Straight Hollywood is apparently even more afraid of "Brokeback Mountain" than the hetero Heartland.  Meanwhile, WaPo muses on whether a movie is sometimes just a movie.

Malbug_13Also related: LA Weekly pulls out the stops – and its claws – for Philip Seymour Hoffman.

Malbug_13TV ad to feature gay kiss.  Don't get too excited, Yanks, it will air in the UK.

Malbug_13Josh Foust has an even more biblical take on the selective use of scripture against gays than my own.

Malbug_13Utah legislator to gay and straight students: "Can't we all just not get along"?

January 16, 2006

Gay Bits: Belated Return Edition

Malbug_13Marriage-sanctity watch: Most gay people can't even marry the same person once, let alone twice.

Malbug_13Boozhy reports on Colombia's condom cartel.

Malbug_13Gay men apparently flouting South Africa's blood-donation ban.

Malbug_13Harrison Ford must not read 429 News.

Malbug_13What's the most gay-friendly employer in Britain?  Would you believe a police department?

Malbug_13The New York Times Magazine covers "covering," resulting in an even pinker shade of "Old Gray Lady."

Malbug_132005's gay-themed movies face a big test tonight.

Malbug_13Heath Ledger's inspiration: His bare-knuckle-fighting, bisexual uncle.

Malbug_13Governor Kaine giveth, Governor Kaine taketh away.  But will gay-rights groups scream like they did about Arnold?  Don't hold your breath.

December 19, 2005

Pre-Dawn Gay Bits

"Ringmasters, bear trainers, strong men, clowns and bearded ladies turned out in droves at the 12th annual Mother City Queer Party." It actually took me a moment to realize this article was not about Elton John's upcoming nuptials.

Gay groups? Quasi-important. Shareholders? Deifically important.

Officials in Greece are busily discarding their own history, culture, and thousands of years of pottery art to oppose official recognition for gay couples. When the creators of homosexuality reject it, well, it's a topsy-turvy world, my friends.

Gay marriage is not Iowa's biggest issue. If the religious right in that state had a smidgeon of intellect, they'd claim homosexuals oppose corn subsidies.

Brokeback Mountain to test Oscar's gay-friendliness? Uh huh. Let us not forget the vicious homophobia on display when the Academy snubbed Hillary Swank in 2000 for Boys Don't Cry. Except for the part where they didn't.

The New Hampshire commission on gay marriage continues to baffle by noting, "Research suggests that the best environment for children is a married heterosexual family where mother and father are biologically related." When did New Hampshire become Kentucky?

My new computer arrives today. This has nothing to do with gay topics, unless you count all the porn that will require transferring.

December 06, 2005

Gay Bits

Ponder this headline, then attempt to follow the story.

Whether the AFA's boycott worked, or Ford is simply cutting costs, I was planning on buying foreign anyway.

Robbie Williams is not gay. In other news, David Beckham is not a soccer player.

Wisconsin gears up to pass an amendment to ban gay marriage, proving once again my life philosophy - Nothing good comes from the land of the Packers.

The Fab Five embark on a season-long gimmick: Queer Eye For the Straight Groom.

The District of Columbia is expected to pass a domestic partner bill. Will Congress veto?

November 25, 2005

Gay Bits

If you have £100k, one in ten men would like to have a threesome with you.

Elton John is preparing to bring us the gayest gay wedding of all time. British florists are said to be trembling in mortal terror.

As we anxiously await the upcoming release of Brokeback Mountain, the Independent profiles America's gay rodeo culture.

So-called family groups are attempting to bring a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage to my home state of Illinois. Should it make it to the ballot, expect yours truly to do personal battle with people like this man.

When it comes to documenting gay experiences in American fraternities, this author wrote the book.

Charlize Theron shows solidarity with gays and lesbians. I still don't forgive her for stealing Stuart Townsend from me.