Nary a cycle goes by on a Pentium processor that someone, somewhere on the blogosphere isn't invoking the vile and bereft-of-creativity "Jews for Hitler" meme against gay Republicans.
I'm not in favor of facile comparisons that are intended to arouse such an emotional response about one's political opponents as to render their actual merit a faint afterthought. But as long as they insist on dragging this dead filly for another lap around the racetrack, let's try a simile on for size that, in my view, has more currency and applicability:
Gay Democrats are just like "9/11 Victims for Osama."
Why is such a comparison more appropriate, you ask?
First of all, because the "Jews for Hitler" calumny is more ridiculous on its face. That comparison has to reach back more than six decades to find any relevance. Let's face it, there are precious few Nazis left today and even fewer of them are in the extermination racket.
And despite liberals' wildest fantasies, whatever "collaboration" they imagine between gays and Republicans isn't remotely comparable with genocide. Not only is it not in the same ballpark, it's a different league altogether.
Yet the most feverish of the fabulists persevere: "I can imagine far right extremist groups, emboldened by a bigoted and outspoken Republican party, perpetrating acts of terrorism against large gay communities in places like New York, San Francisco, Atlanta and South Beach."
Of course you can "imagine" that. Because one's imagination is the only place where such claptrap is remotely plausible.
No responsible Republican would ever countenance violence against gays, and he could expect swift excoriation if he did. Similarly, reasonable Democrats distance themselves when the most radical within their party make the most unhinged of statements.
Except that the irrational fringe has indeed held thrall over the Democrats in the past couple of years, making the comparison between gay Democrats and "9/11 Victims for Osama" more relevant than ever before.
Gay Democrats who are in such a hurry to throw their GOP brethren under the bus had better take a hard look at the party with which they have themselves made league:
Theirs is a party that has little trouble finding the "softer side" of Osama but is utterly confused as to the difference between Americans and Nazis or terrorists and "freedom fighters." (Hint: Only one of the two shoots at U.S. soldiers.)
It is a party that regularly advocates for unilateral surrender in the War on Terror, that has collectively turned a blind eye to radical Islamic fundamentalism, and that opposes even the most reasonable efforts to keep the bad guys from coming across our borders.
Gay Democrats continue to stuff hay into a strawman called "domestic theocracy" while showing little desire to confront genuine and deadly fundamentalist threats worldwide – the very same forces that, if given the chance, would show their gratitude in the form of a bullet through the head.
They have allied themselves with a party that claims to love people but less charitable toward life, retaining as its most salient litmus test the support of abortion on demand. How many fewer gay Democrats (and Republicans) do you suppose there will be if one combines that political position with the future discovery of a "gay gene"?
I concede that this is a provocative and simplistic comparison. But its equivalent – "Jews for Hitler" – is what passes for legitimate political debate among gay Democrats these days. There can be little reasonable discourse when we are constantly putting our opponents in bed with the most barbarous murderers in history.