It has been immensely hard to get cell reception in the parts of Africa in which I have been traveling, let alone reliable Web access, so while I have been silent, I have been thinking a lot about the Malcommunity.

I never thought in a million years that I would ever utter the words, "Thank God I am in Rwanda," but it is true. I had been in the Congo (DRC) since Saturday and couldn't even get GSM on my phone until Monday, but no Internet access until I got to Kigali, Rwanda, last night.
I drove right past the Hotel des Mille Collines, which was the actual "Hotel Rwanda" depicted in the movie, but not the one that they filmed. But I am staying in the Intercontinental, which is a fabulous hotel not just by African standards, but by any standard.
By the way, the picture at right is the actual African Queen, which was also depicted in a famous movie, built by the Germans around the time of World War I. (My Web access is too tenuous to Google the correct details.) It is now used, however, to transport returning Congolese refugees back across Lake Tanganyika from Tanzania.
Anti-malarials, even the mildest of the bunch, are well-known for side effects that are, shall we say, borderline psychotic. Of course The Malcontent would choose Malarone.
The other night, the dreams began. They came fast and furious. And they could probably be easily summed up, at least in the first night, thusly: I was naked in about 90 percent of them and having sex in about 50 percent.
The piece de resistance was sex with Madonna. (She likes to be on top, boys. Big surprise there.) Of course, mid-coitus she walked out on me out of fear that she was ruining her career. Who can blame her?
I had sex solo, in pairs, in groups, with men and with women. With exes and with my husband. At one point I was walking naked down the street and I offered myself up to a passing pickup truck full of men, who were all too happy to oblige me.
I was back together with friends and exes from high school, having sex with many of them, when my life was suddenly transformed into an episode of "Melrose Place." Literally. Every little plot twist was attended by needless drama, catfights and cliff-hangers. I was even certain that I could see the end credits suspend before me in midair.
Then I was sitting at the dinner table in my home where I grew up in Wyoming. My father did one one of the many things he does to irritate me, and I responded by throwing a small cup of Italian dressing in his face, which precipitated quite a row. Fortunately, there was no sex involved here.
Sorry to be so brief, but this trip has been one of the most rushed, hectic and stressful I have ever been on. The "work day" has sometimes started at 6 a.m. and ended at 11 p.m., and I am just now getting over my jetlag, so you can only imagine the state I am in. But I will be back in New York on Friday morning.
I'll try to post again before then ...