Oh where to begin with this recent op-ed in the Washington Blade. There is the subhead, "Only three years ago, states could turn gays into felons. Will we stand by while it happens to immigrants?" Sexual privacy vs. the border integrity of a sovereign nation. They're about equivalent. When you think about it. While heavily under the influence. It degenerates from there:
As I watched the marches in Los Angeles, Phoenix, Denver and New York of immigrants from all walks of life stand up for their rights, I wondered: Where are the gay marchers? |
Hopefully marching for gay causes. Not always a given, I realize, but I'm a silly optimist.
The author then goes on to explain how illegal immigrants are exactly like gay folk. There are a few good points about same-sex binational relationships and the attendant inequality in legal immigration policy, the abhorrent treatment of HIV-positive individuals in obtaining visas, and a flawed asylum system that is far harsher towards gay individuals under persecution in their home countries. These are good, solid gay issues.
However, the author's basic thrust is "Illegal immigrants are a persecuted minority, and gay people are a persecuted minority, so let's back whatever they want." There is that whole illegal bit, but the author seems unconcerned with border protection, the law, national sovereignty, the work force, social costs, and other pesky issues that interfere in the assignation of special victim status.
Of course there is the requisite left-wing fun thrown in:
Congress would still require that local police enforce complicated immigration laws and allow them to detain those whom they simply believe to be in violation. Gays know well the problems with police misconduct and brutality, particularly those of color and gay youth. [. . .]
Those who despise and scapegoat immigrants have no love for gays, either. The gay rights movement needs allies. But we must be real allies to others as well and rise to the occasion. Until we are all free, none of us are free. |
The police are always suspect, and if you have serious concerns about illegal immigration, you probably hate gay people, too. Impeccable logic, no? As for blinkered liberal allegiance, is NARAL not enough? We've been sucking them off for ages to absolutely staggering returns.
Furthermore, the author is aware most illegal immigrants are conservative Catholics, yes? Good luck with that.