Let me start this post by saying I love Madonna. I love her music, I love her new single and I am enthusiastically looking forward to her new CD, which I have already pre-ordered (dropping Nov. 15). And Evita is still one of my all-time favorite movie musicals. (Someday I'll tell you the story of when my ex and I got wasted, put on the Evita DVD and sang the entire soundtrack at the top of our lungs before going to the Pride festival. OK, that was the whole story, really.)
But if you'll pardon me, the lady has gone more than just a little batshit, and I'm tired of all the queens on the ass-kissing fansites who don't even want to countenance the very idea.
The current publicity blitz for Confessions on a Dancefloor and her new documentary, airing tonight at 10 p.m. EDT on MTV, have brought out more of an inner cuckoo than all the clocks in Switzerland.
It's not just the cult she belongs to. Or her oddball, highly restrictive parenting (which is working out so well). But it is the flagrant disregard for the public's desire, the people who buy her albums, to have a celebrity – even a superstar of Madonna's stature – who possesses just an ounce of humility, or at least feigns a "regular gal" persona.
I don't think her interview last night on Letterman will do much to dispel those negatives. Now, the devotees will argue that she is just being genuine and she is not trying to be phony to market herself. Well, if that is true, then she is ... well, sort of a nasty person, relatively speaking.
Sure, she threw a little flirtation Dave's way. But most of the time, she was either a) complaining or b) intimating how much better she is than everyone else.
Madonna maintained that she was an equestrian expert after only a few months of trotting around on her horses in England, even while Dave focused on the injury she suffered in August after being thrown. When Dave finally got her on horseback at the end of the segment, she complained multiple times about being in the wrong shoes, and oddly shared her opinion at least twice, without elaboration, that she hates female horses.
Watch for yourself, and then tell me if she were anyone other than Madonna, the whole "attitude thing" would have consigned her to a life as a second-rate dancer in Rochester Hills. But hey, she's got me writing about her.
[Watch video – WMV format, high bandwidth – low bandwidth not currently available]