On the fourth day of Fitzmas, we get the gift that keeps giving: a live TV interview with Joe Wilson. And wherever he goes, you know the lies are sure to follow.
Wilson was, well, not really grilled tonight by Wolf Blitzer on CNN's "The Situation Room."
[Watch video - 11:05, WMV format, high bandwidth]
[Watch video - 11:05, WMV format, low bandwidth]
Wilson's finest whopper:
"Mr. Fitzgerald made it very clear: My wife was a covert officer at the time that these people were leaking her name."
But Fitzgerald would beg to differ:
"I am not speaking to whether or not Valerie Wilson was covert. And anything I say is not intended to say anything beyond this: that she was a CIA officer from January 1st, 2002, forward."
Next, Wilson seems to have jettisoned the idea of due process:
"Again, it's now very clear that (Karl Rove) leaked it. Mr. Cooper's sworn testimony indicates that and the emails indicate that."
He really wants that frog-march. So much so that he has overlooked the fact that no indictments have occurred over the "outing" itself.
Wilson also admitted he was a source for the incredibly inaccurate and self-serving May 6, 2003, Kristof column:
"It was important for the Administration to correct the record. ... It is an act of civic duty. It is what citizens across this country do every day in our democracy. You hold your government to account for what your government says and does in the name of the American people."
So it is a civic duty to chat up reporters and embellish what the intelligence actually said about Niger and Iraq? Ah, yes, my heart is just swelling with patriotic music.
And then for the laugher of the evening, Wilson commented on the decision by him and his wife to appear on the cover of Vanity Fair:
"When one is faced with adversity, one of the ways that one acts in the face of adversity is to try and bring a certain amount of humor to the situation. It's called irony. And if people have no sense of humor or no sense of perspective on that, my response is it's about time to get a life."
Humor? Irony? But what happened to St. Valerie, the put-upon hero whose very life was risked by the leakers? You're joking about that?! Let's face it, were Libby and Rove the ones who were out peddling pictures of her to national magazines?
Then Wilson revealed what must be the ultimate motive, when asked if there would be civil lawsuits:
"We're keeping all of our options open."