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Just because he was on the local newscast. You're never able to see his eyes during the games. They're nice.
Update: As people seem to like this one, here's the news clip I lifted it from:
[Watch video – 0:13, WMV format]
One team is defending a world championship and currently tied for the best record in baseball. The other is nursing a 98 year title drought, while fielding one of the most god awful rosters in baseball.
When the Chicago White Sox and the Chicago Cubs got together this afternoon for a bit of interleague play, legions of South Siders salivated over the opportunity to not only rub the Cubs' (and their fans) noses in a world championship, but to use one of the best starting rotations and line-ups in the majors to destroy them utterly.
What could be better? A bench-clearing rumble, for a start. After White Sox catcher A.J. Pierzynski bowled over Cubs catcher Michael Barrett at home plate, Barrett seemed to think decking Pierzynski in the jaw would soothe the embarrassment of, you know, having to play for the Cubs.
A nearby Scott Podsednik then tackled Barrett and wrestled him to the ground. Scott Podsednik. Fighting. Scott. In a big, beefy manpile. I may need a month to collect myself.
After a piss poor assassination attempt directed at my Scott, White Sox second baseman, Tadahito Iguchi, decided to snuff the humiliated Cubs by hitting a grand slam right after the brawl.
Best. Game. Ever.
[Watch video – 4:21, WMV format, high bandwidth]
[Watch video – 4:21, WMV format, low bandwidth]
A bit late from yesterday's game. My boy also hit a two-run homer the other day - his first of the season. Dan recently pointed out the following links:
This is perfectly understandable.
I'm starting to see what Robbie sees in this whole baseball thing.
But I'll bet he is cursing Scott Podsednik for choosing not playing shortstop.
[h/t Andy]
How can I not post this? It's Scott. In jeans. Doing handyman work.
The White Sox have been working with Habitat for Humanity, building homes for Hurricane Katrina victims in the area.
Scott said he's good with a hammer because he's from the South. I bet. Num nums. His wife (grrrr) however, slammed him on the newscast. Leave her, Scott! She doesn't love you!
[Watch video – 1:28, WMV format]
My boy is doing so well now. After a very shaky 2 of 28 start, he's brought himself up to a solid .245 average. My Sox also hold the best record in the majors. Mmph.
However, all this beefcake isn't free, ya know. It's time to pay the toll. That's right, it's time for the All Star balloting. Vote for Scott early and often. You're allowed to cast a ballot up to 25 times. Don't let me down, peoples. Don't let Scott down. All Stars are more likely to make calendars after all.
Looking rather angelic here, with the afternoon Chicago sun reflecting off home plate. I hadn't planned on bothering with today's game, but I wanted an excuse to post the following video. White Sox second baseman, Tadahito Iguchi, makes a miraculous mid-air throw to first base. One of the best fielding plays I've ever witnessed in baseball.
[Watch video – 1:03, WMV format]
I thought we might go for a little action-adventure from today's (endless) game with the Tigers. After 38 hits and 21 runs, Scott still managed to not hit a damn thing. But he did get on base and score twice. So, uhm, there's that. And look what that pitcher did to him. If we have Detroit readers, massive, angry protests outside of Comerica Park would not be out of line.
[Watch video – 1:51, WMV format]
It's an All Scott Sunday as we get not one, but two pics of my future husband, back and front. Recently, thousands of readers have asked, "But Robbie, will we ever see Scott in action?" Yes! Below is video of the finest ass in baseball in extended motion.
As part of All Scott Sunday, you may have noticed that Mal has now added a Scott Podsednik category to our blog. Click below to relive all your favorite Scott moments.
The announcers have intimated that Scott is still recovering from a spring training groin injury. If there is anyone reading this who makes side cash trading in false sports physical therapist certificates, I'm willing to pay.
[Watch video – 0:59, WMV format]
How is it a ball club can have a magificent beast like Scott Podsednik, and then insult their fans by giving him the day off?! There oughta be a law. Not that these front office shenannigans kept me from reviewing the game via a painstaking frame-by-frame analysis until I found exactly what I needed.
Furthermore, I like to think God is on my side in this one. As the video will reveal, replacing Scott with an inexperienced left-fielder will be met with nothing less than full-on divine punishment - the kind that loses games.
Let's all hope management has learned its lesson.
Below, last night's blooper reel. (Note to gay male readers: The announcer is repeatedly saying "broke bat" not "brokeback." I know, it distracts me, too.)
[Watch video – 1:43, WMV format]
I've decided it is my life's mission to easily triple the number of Scott Podsednik pics across the Internet. For far too long has this White Sox hottie and left-fielder gone neglected in cyberspace.
As a side interest, so this post isn't merely a prolonged self-wank, I managed to capture the collision of a few Indians as they scramble to catch a pop up.
Both players were ultimately fine, and Cleveland went on to win the game, 4-3, in the 11th inning.
[Watch video – 1:24, WMV format]
Tonight, the White Sox return to Comiskey Park for their first game since winning the World Series after 88 years.
Baseball season has begun, and with it 162 opportunities to stare at future husband Scott Podsednik for hours at a time. (His wife? I have people working on it. That playmate is going down).
If I vanish mysteriously, chances are I'll be camped out in the bleachers for the next few months.
Tonight's game is airing nationally at 8 PM EST on ESPN2. Interested parties should visually stalk left field.
Update - He is hotter than ever: