Freddy Quimby Meets Jeff Conaway
May 5, 2006, Boston Herald:
U.S. Rep. Patrick Kennedy insisted yesterday that he had consumed “no alcohol” before he slammed his Mustang convertible into a concrete barrier near his office, but a hostess at a popular Capitol Hill watering hole told the Herald she saw him drinking in the hours before the crash.
Earlier in the evening, Kennedy issued a statement through his office blaming the accident and strange behavior surrounding it on prescription drugs.
Jan. 8, 2006, a drunken Jeff Conaway on "Celebrity Fit Club":
"Everybody, thank you for your concern. It was nothing to be concerned about. I took a couple of Benadryl and I got loopy. ... I am on prescription drugs, yes."
UPDATE: Not to be flip about this situation, because Kennedy now has stopped lying and is going into drug rehab. Hey, it worked for P.O.B.